See dj_d has given permission for the code to be released and that post has an open copy of the last release.
An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance.
Ascend.ash is a script that ascends your character, automatically. It's the product of more than a year's labor. It's contained in the zip file attached to this message, which has a password. If you'd like to use it, please PM a Mr. Accessory to username dj_d. A script runs once a day about an hour before rollover that will auto-reply to you with the password to the zip file. If you need to reach me, just PM me on the board here. Please do not share the password or the included files.
Huge thanks to all the scripters, mods, and developers here. In particular, thanks to Zarqon, whose scripts take care of the two hardest levels in the game. If you're a major contributor to Mafia (dev, mod, or a scripter who posts more than I do) just PM me and I will send you the password posthaste.
1) How does it work?
Simple! Just configure it, then run it every day till you ascend. Repeat as needed.
2) Really?
Sort of. You do have to configure it. Actually, it'll probably run fine out of the box, but you have to configure other, included scripts. Check the threads for each of these to learn how to configure them:
The default configurations probably aren't what you want and may be detrimental to your character's health and finances. Ascend.ash and ascend status.ash have lots of configurability but should be functional out of the gate.
3) So I just have to configure the scripts?
Sort of. You also have to make sure you can kill anything you come across with Mafia's default settings. Ascend.ash will make sure you don't fight anything too tough, but if your default attack is your forehead of fury, you may find yourself in a tough spot. You'll need to configure your CCS (I recommend smartstasis) and your restore settings (bale's recovery script is awesome but I'm lazy and just use mafia's built in functionality).
4) So I just have to configure the scripts and the default adventuring stuff?
Sort of. You also will need to make sure you're equipping whatever you want equipped. I usually set up the best outfit for the day before I run the script, and name that "melee". The script will use that outfit unless anther one is required.
Let me repeat, because some people missed this: make sure you have an outfit called "melee" (which will be equipped by default while adventuring).
5) So what DOES it do again?
It includes automation for 50 distinct quests, and intelligence to figure out the order in which to do them. It's robust against being interrupted and restarted. It eats, drinks, spleens, pulls, shops, and insults pirates. It's pretty neat. I'm perming skills on a multi, and on a typical day, I just run the script and then check out the results. It completes most ascensions in less than a week without intervention. Oh - it also meatfarms in aftercore if you decide not to ascend.
6) What if I have problems?
Report them here and I'll do my best to help.
7) What kind of warranty is included? What if I hate it?
Sorry! No returns, exchanges, etc. Happy to try and help, though.
8) Does it work for hardcore?
It's helpful but not comprehensive for hardcore. It works nicely in tandem with Zarqon's hardcore checklist - when this runs out of steam, use that, and vice versa.
9) What doesn't it do?
Besides what's mentioned above, it doesn't kill the sorceress, and it doesn't step through the gash. That's about it.
10) Can I send you a ______ instead of a Mr. A?
No, the process is automatic. You send a Mr. A, you get the password. You send anything else, thank you! But no password.

11) Can I share this with my multis?
12) Can I share this with my clannies?
13) I am a visitor from THE FUTURE. You, your children, and your children's children are like dust. The world has changed and the continents have shifted. Can I have the password please? You're not answering your mail.
Call in a KolMafia moderator. Moderators - if you suspect I may be dead (to the world of mafia, or otherwise), email me at ascend-dot-ash-at-gmail-dot-com, and PM me on the board and in-game (dj_d). If I don't reply in 30 days, go ahead and post the password and/or unzipped files here (all the mods should have the password already).
14) How does it actually work?
It goes through the >40 queststeps and sees if you can do any of them. If it can't, it goes through the 10 levelupsteps and does whichever of those it can. If none of those work, it uses levelup.ash to level up. Before adventuring, it checks to see if the location is safe, and if not it adventures somewhere safe until you gain a moxie point (and then repeats). It also uses pullcrap, eatdrink, and other assorted scripts for the obvious purposes. If you want to reorder the quest steps, it's pretty easy - just change the order in ascend status.ash. This is a very reasonable thing to do to optimize ascension speed, although be careful that you are doing the prerequisite quests in the right order.
15) How do I get it?
As mentioned above, you just kmail one Mr. Accessory to character name "dj_d" in game. A script will automatically receive the Mr. A and reply to you with the password about one hour before rollover each day. Other messages to that character may take a while to get read, so don't PM questions to that account - post them here in this thread.
Alternately, contribute a widely-used script to the community or make major rewrite-type improvements to any of the ascend.ash components (eatdrink, levelup, etc) and I'll give it to you for free! Just ask Bale, Zarqon, etc.
16) Has anyone else bought it?
As you can see from this thread, the mods and prolific scripters got it for free, and about two dozen players have paid a Mr. A for it.
Note: I expected there might be some controversy over this. There was a nice discussion over in "Scripting discussion", plus a bunch of PM conversations. After listening to all viewpoints, I decided to go ahead. If you have concerns about this, please put them in the scripting discussion thread, not here - use this thread for discussion about the actual script. Thanks!
17) I have a Mac and it's not prompting me for a password.
From Veracity: if you go and control-click on the .zip file from the Finder, you can specify that you want to open the .zip file with Stuffit Expander - which will prompt you for the password.
Ascend 1.4.1
2011_03_19 - see Release notes inside of zip file. Highlights include Tavern, Spooky Forest and Steel Organ revamps and untested Untinker support.
2011_05_29/1.4.0 - Fixed a couple of typos. Version checking should work. Don't equip pool cue for library as long as you have one. Crypt should complete although sub-optimally.
2011_07_31/.4.0 - Updated farm.ash with Winterbay's mods to handle familiars better than before. Changed capitalization of "buycrap" in PullCrap so it plays nicely with the mafia's recent script MRU list. Meatcar cannot be untinkered anymore so don't try that in Ascend.
2012_03_17/1.4.1 - Updated Ascend to handle Untinker, Guild and Tavern Quests "better". Added return values where warning might become Error. See this post for more information.
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