One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


Active member
This is about the 3rd ascension that I have hit this infinite loop bug:
The orchard routine needs an exit condition if obtain fails due to lack of adventures.

I actually mentioned this on post 627 (and you've been posting about the bug since April, if my thread-searching proves valid?) and suggested the following code into each loop.
if (my_adventures() == 0) die("Come back tomorrow for more of the same exciting filth!");

Tried putting it in various other places, but it just broke the script... So the entire actual heart-collection now looks like this:
   while (have_effect($effect[Filthworm Guard Stench]) == 0) {
      while (have_effect($effect[Filthworm Drone Stench]) == 0) {
         while (have_effect($effect[Filthworm Larva Stench]) == 0) {
            obtain(1, "filthworm hatchling scent gland", $location[hatching chamber]);
            if (!use(1, $item[filthworm hatchling scent gland])) print("You smell like a hatchling.","olive");
            if (my_adventures() == 0) die("Come back tomorrow for more of the same exciting filth!");
         obtain(1, "filthworm drone scent gland", $location[feeding chamber]);
         if (!use(1, $item[filthworm drone scent gland])) print("You smell like a drone.","olive");
         if (my_adventures() == 0) die("Come back tomorrow for more of the same exciting filth!");
      obtain(1, "filthworm royal guard scent gland", $location[guards' chamber]);
      if (!use(1, $item[filthworm royal guard scent gland])) print("You smell like a guard.","olive");
      if (my_adventures() == 0) die("Come back tomorrow for more of the same exciting filth!");


OCW now handles the final battle for non-Wossname plans. Yay! Tested OK following the fastest-fratonly.txt plan. Including Wisniewski and/or The Man in your ccs is recommended.

So, I (L13 db, HC, no path, no clovers) don't have a flaregun and I only get to round 2 with The Big Wisniewski. Any suggestions?


Active member
Only get to round 2 how? You mean you lose the fight, or it gets to round 2 and quits to a manual window?


Active member
DB, I'd say max your moxie, shouldn't be too hard...

If he does have the 240 attack, you need to either drop that hard, or raise yours past it... 250 is the raise goal, or <= -10 under your moxie for dropping. DB have a ton of good good skills for delevelling...

If you were making it to round 8 or so, I'd suggest considering healing... red pixel potions should keep you alive another round or two, depending on your health. But as a moxie? If lazy-running, the ballroom should give at least 20-30 moxie points a day.


Staff member
Lots of superamplified boomboxes is the easiest method for that boss. Use 20 of them in a row and the most you need to do is maybe survive a first hit. Ten is probably more than enough to get all the deleveling you need.


Active member
I usually start out by using a shrinking powder to remove half his health which makes the rest significantly easier.


Thanks, all. I don't have a slimeling to feed meat stacks, so no chance at slime stacks. I don't have quarters to buy a boom box from the frats, so no chance there. My next semi-rare is in 65 turns and I will need to "doctor" the CounterChecker script to override/force it's choice to get the shrinking powder. I need to increase my moxie by 90 - at least temporarily. I can certainly work on 2 of the suggestions. Thanks, again.

Edit - messed up getting the semi-rare. Have to try again next time. Leveling up, meat farming, and growing familiars in the mean time I guess.
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Active member
Easy way to do it... chain Disco Dance II and Disco Eye-Poke for Disco Blindness. It's a -10 ML deleveller and stunner, so you can chain it together as many times as you want/need to. If you have 100 mana, you can delevel by 100 with minimal risk...


New member
I get this happening any time I try and run this script:

> call scripts/Wossname.ash

Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
_version_wossname => 1.5.8
Internal checkpoint created.
"optimal.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 5
Completing step 5 of 14...
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.
Initializing chat interface...
Requests complete.

I've used it before on prior ascensions, but this time I set the 100% run variable. Would that break things?


Turns out the settings file wants exactly one tab, instead of at least one whitespace.
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Active member
Nope. Most likely, your verbosity is set improperly... try using zlib verbosity = 3 (default) in the gCLI and see if it still gives the same output on your next Wossname execution.

Also, on items in your script folder, you don't need to call like that... for that matter, if you don't have a wossname alias, you could just run "Wossname" on the gCLI and have it execute.


Easy way to do it... chain Disco Dance II and Disco Eye-Poke for Disco Blindness. It's a -10 ML deleveller and stunner, so you can chain it together as many times as you want/need to. If you have 100 mana, you can delevel by 100 with minimal risk...
He still gets in a hit every other turn.
Encounter: The Big Wisniewski
Round 0: flyingsaucer1 wins initiative!
Round 1: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Round 2: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 2: the big wisniewski drops 7 attack power.
Round 2: the big wisniewski drops 7 defense.
You lose 53 hit points
Round 2: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 3: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 3: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 3: the big wisniewski drops 3 defense.
Round 3: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Round 4: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 4: the big wisniewski drops 7 attack power.
Round 4: the big wisniewski drops 7 defense.
You lose 44 hit points
Round 4: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 5: the big wisniewski takes 7 damage.
Round 5: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 5: the big wisniewski drops 3 defense.
Round 5: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Round 6: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 6: the big wisniewski drops 7 attack power.
Round 6: the big wisniewski drops 7 defense.
You lose 43 hit points
Round 6: flyingsaucer1 casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 7: the big wisniewski takes 7 damage.
Round 7: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 7: the big wisniewski drops 3 defense.
Round 7: flyingsaucer1 attacks!
Round 8: the big wisniewski takes 99 damage.
You lose 33 hit points
You've had the crap beaten out of you... attempting to find some more crap.
His Attack and Defense are listed as 1, with 2000 HP.
Gonna try another method.


Active member
They're most likely around 240 each, based on comments given about how much slime stacks do. Could run 8-bit for a few red pixel potions... each restores ~100 health, so 2 RPP should allow you to run 3 more combos, dropping him by 30 of each. If you needed 90 ML delevel, then ~6-8 RPP should guarantee success. Just make sure you have enough MP as well.


New member
I'm guessing the script needs to be updated after some of the content changes, but I'm currently getting this error:
Bad location value: "king's chamber" (zlib.ash, line 419)

Is it just me, or have I done something wrong? The script works fantastic, and I've used it a lot. Hoping to again.
If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know?

Thanks very much,



New member
I believe I downloaded the latest version 2 days ago, but I didn't get a notice when Wossname started that Zlib was out of date. I'll double check t-mow at work and ensure it's the proper version. Thank you for your help, I'll confirm t-mow one way or the other.



Active member
The other possibility is that you have an out of date version of zlib in a different folder. Regardless, if zlib finds "king's chamber" instead of "throne room" it means you have an out of date zlib. If zlib complains about "throne room" instead, it means your mafia is out of date.


New member
I'd downloaded it on the 14th, and that gave me version 22. Grabbed version 23 today, and worked flawlessly once again. Thank you very much!



Staff member
Running Wossname. Have SmartStasis set as my combat script which in turn uses FirstThingsFirst. Wossname decided that I should complete the arena quest by flyering everything in the Hole in the Sky. But, the FTF variable flyereverything was false so the adventuring in the HitS did get me the missing Star Items but made no progress towards the Arena quest. I'm just presenting this as an example of operator stupidity because there are numerous ways to deal with this besides changing code.