One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


New member
I'm getting the exact same thing:

> call scripts\Wossname.ash

Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Internal checkpoint created.
"frat-3-delta.txt" loaded (4 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 0
Completing step 0 of 5...
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.

I've used the script to complete the quest 4 times and this has never happened before....


Well-known member
Since your verbosity is set very low you can't see the error message.

Type "zlib verbosity = 3" in the CLI and try it again.

@Rinn: yes. Should fix that, eh? It's right there, on my list, right after BatMan.


New member
Since your verbosity is set very low you can't see the error message.

Type "zlib verbosity = 3" in the CLI and try it again.

@Rinn: yes. Should fix that, eh? It's right there, on my list, right after BatMan.

I will try that, thanks!


New member
When fighting the Guy made of bees, if you're using FirstThingsFirst.ash and you're a Pastamancer with a ghost, it will summon the ghost first rather than attempting to flyer or use entangling noodles/noodles of fire. Here's a quick fix (FirstThingsFirst.ash):
boolean should_summon_ghost() {
   if (last_monster() == $monster[guy made of bees]) return false;
So ctrl+f boolean should_summon_ghost() or just go to line 174 and add that right after the function declaration.


Well-known member
@Code: Thanks for posting the fix, will be fixed in the next update. This also applies to Cyrus the Virus.

@ajandaj: You're welcome! Thanks for thanking.


New member
i hope you guys can help me out. i'm using the latest jar build...8450

latest version of zlib, as well as latest verstion of OCW. This is what I get after I run the script.

battleAction => custom combat script
Internal checkpoint created.
"optimal.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Checking for outfits...
You need 1 more flaregun to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: flaregun

Request 1 of 217 (Island: Pirate Cove) in progress...

[17315] Pirate Cove
Nothing more to do here.

Starting the war...
Putting on Frat Warrior Fatigues...
Equipment changed.
You need 1 more deodorant to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: Choices Left: 1
Choices Left: 1

Request 1 of 217 (Island: Hippy Camp) in progress...
You can't get to that area.

War successfully incited. You provocateur you.
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 0
Completing step 0 of 14...
Restoring initial settings...
battleAction => attack with weapon
Putting on ancient turtle shell helmet...
Equipment changed.
Putting on poodle skirt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on lucky rabbit's foot...
Equipment changed.
OCW stopped.
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.



You don't have a flaregun, so the script tries to get you one before you start the war. The pirates go away when you start the war. You have already started the war, so you can't get to the pirates, so the script doesn't know what to do and stops.


New member
would it be possible to start it halfway through, by scripting it so as to look at the image# on the island, telling you how many you have killed. the moment it changes, it would know how many there are, so...


The image is just an estimate of how many are dead, not an actual number. It would probably finish the quest for you but wouldn't be able to guarantee a wossname.


Staff member
I'm using it with my ascending multi - in anticipation of Ascend.ash using it on a different character. I'm loving it and I tried to configure it but it made me sad when I realized I had misunderstood something and saw that I had allowed it to swap my familiar in what was a hoped for 100% run. My bad, but the complexity of the configuration options makes me wish for a better way to set them. Dare I suggest a relay override script? I'm also not certain it knows I have already said "guy made of bees" four times... Regardless, thanks for your work.


Staff member
I think it defaults to cyrus now as its more efficient than having to say that four times first.

A mechanic, in my sub-optimal play style, I have never bothered to investigate. Sounds like that ought to change. Thanks. Regardless since I am in hardcore now and have primed the bathroom, I doubt that things will be less efficient than they already are if I flyer The Guy so I hope I can tweak that to happen.


Staff member
I guess after a week, with a different comment, a double post isn't so bad.

It is running from Ascend. I get messages about unable to equip X. Unfortunately they do not tell me what X is. In the case of familiars and outfits, I've looked at the code and I agree the organization makes it difficult for the script to tell me just what X is. The ideal solution would be to tell me what it wanted to do and could not so that I could configure things appropriately. A solution that would be almost as good would be a checklist of variables that the script uses that I, as the user, am expected to know enough to set under normal circumstances. I suppose in the grand scheme of things I could actually do that and submit it for comment but I'll mention it anyway, just in case you have time before the upcoming concert. <veer>What is your role? Promoter? Conductor? Performer? </veer>


Staff member
Unintentional triple post. Am I the only one running this anymore?

So I find one of my frustrations with Wossname is getting the outfits. Many a time I have enough parts and am willing to zap one in hopes of getting the outfit. It would be nice if Wossname stopped upon getting enough parts and gave me an opportunity to do so. This is not trivial because it should stop once a day. If I don't want to zap or didn't get the part when I did then I want it to continue rather than ask me every turn.


Staff member
That seems like it would be more practical if mafia tracked how many times you used the zap wand so far today (resetting when the PYEC is used).


Well-known member
@mooo: As long as you have completed all of the quest so far in mafia, it's perfectly OK to run this script at any point, so long as you basically followed the same warplan.

@frono: OCW uses mafia's tracking of how many times you have said GMoB and attempts to calculate which of the three flyers options (GMoB, HitS, Cyrus) will take the fewest turns. This could be streamlined now with ZLib's recent has_goal().

Secondly, I took another look at the first post and it seemed fairly clear about most of the configuration options. The only thing it didn't mention is that OCW (like all of my scripts) is sensitive to the is_100_run setting (which should be a familiar). I've been doing nothing but 100% runs for the last 7 runs or so, so I'm quite sure this will work.

For a list of settings, type "zlib vars" into the CLI. All of the settings beginning with "ocw_" are used by this script. You probably have a default outfit name or something in there which you haven't actually set as a custom outfit.

As for zapping to get the outfits, since that is a decision that needs to be made after every combat, I'd recommend putting handling for that into a betweenBattleScript. There is code somewhere around here that detects whether or not you have zapped today.

The concert was amazing! It was for my birthday, so I threw a concert party -- put together a huge 15-piece band, rented a club, and performed two sets of my original tunes, with a World Cup match in between on a big screen. I guess that makes me all of the above -- producer, promoter, performer, etc. It was my first concert as a frontman since coming to Korea, and it seems to have been very well-received. Thanks for asking.


Active member
Found an issue with the 'slay_one' function... it doesn't properly check if one of the further adventures fails, and if you fail one, you're likely to fail... however many more happen, if you don't have tongue or something else to cure beaten up. Basically, move the
      if (have_effect($effect[beaten up]) > 0) die("You need to un-beat yourself up before continuing.");
line from the top of slay_one into the while loop... my slay_one from start through the while loop looks like this:
void slay_one() {
  // set location
   location where_to = $location[battlefield(frat uniform)];
   if (plan[step].hippy_frat) where_to = $location[battlefield(hippy uniform)];
  // slay one, using the xxxDefeated property to check for a kill
   int progressflag = to_int(get_property(plan[step].checkprop));
   int current = progressflag;
   while (current == progressflag) {
      if (my_adventures() == 0) return;
      if (have_effect($effect[beaten up]) > 0) die("You need to un-beat yourself up before continuing.");
      current = to_int(get_property(plan[step].checkprop));
Just verified that it does work with this change. Not hugely on purpose, but... ah well. :)


I am have been an odd error lately when using this.
Internal checkpoint created.
"fastest.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 3
Completing step 3 of 14...
Mood swing complete.
You don't have a Adorable Seal Larva for a familiar.
Unable to complete step 3
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.

Yes, I don't have the Adorable Seal Larva, but I also don't have it set to equip it either in my zlib settings. If I am running Ascend.ash this causes it to loop. If i just run OCW then it just does what I posted above.
I do have familiars picked for all the settings, but I don't think its even getting that far before the error occurs.
I am currently using the 8554 daily build of mafia.


Well-known member
@Theraze: nice fix, will be in the next update!

@Xenthes: I suspect that you have something set for your is_100_run setting, which OCW honors. If that's not it, you may have misspelled a familiar name in your settings which somehow mafia matches to the Adorable Seal Larva.