One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


Minor issue with flyering (no wonder I always end up going to the GMoB!):

if (gmobhits) return ceil((5 - get_property("guyMadeOfBeesCount").to_int()) * (3 / (0.25 - combat_rate_modifier())));

returns 3 with a combat rate modifier of -5%, because combat_rate_modifier() returns -5.0. This works as expected:

if (gmobhits) return ceil((5 - get_property("guyMadeOfBeesCount").to_int()) * (3 / (0.25 - (combat_rate_modifier() / 100.0))));
Oh, I'm attempting to complete the quest, but it gets to step 7 out of 14 (using optimal.txt) and it's hung up on me. It keeps trying to do the farm, when the farm is all done, quitting wossname, and when I restart it, it won't work.


I've never had that problem, but if the solution kain linked to didn't work you could also try "set sidequestLighthouseCompleted = fratboy" in the CLI. Change "fratboy" to "hippy" depending on which outfit you completed the sidequest in.

Try this.....except change the sidequest bane to Farm...this worked for me


Active member
Maybe this is a small gripe, but is there any way to override the familiar used? For example, when I'm doing the nuns' quest, I'd like to keep using one familiar. Didnt' realize it would suddenly switch out and blew a 100% run.
Yet there's no ocw_f_nuns setting. Or am I missing something?

(PS: I owe you some BRICKO bats when I get out of HC.)


Staff member
I think there's a is_100_run setting (in var_charname) or something like that. And I'm fairly sure that it takes a familiar name.


Fluxx: download the latest daily build and rerun the script, the missing settings should appear in the vars_<name>.txt, or when you use the zlib vars command.


Active member
I think there's a is_100_run setting (in var_charname) or something like that. And I'm fairly sure that it takes a familiar name.
I think that's what I'm looking for. I'll remember that for the next ascension.
Fluxx: download the latest daily build and rerun the script, the missing settings should appear in the vars_<name>.txt, or when you use the zlib vars command.
Yeah, should have mentioned I was using 1.5.8. My bad.


New member
You should have a zlib setting named ocw_warplan in data\vars_<player>.txt, I guess this is were you can choose the warplan.

To change the setting, just type: zlib ocw_warplan = frat-3-delta in the gCLI, for example.

"No setting named 'ocw_warplan' exists."

What do now?


Well-known member
@ziz: Thanks for debugging that! Fix will be in the next update.

@Fluxxx: Yes, if you want to do a 100% familiar run, set is_100_run to the type of familiar you are using. This will prevent any of my scripts that change familiars (and, hopefully, any scripts that use ZLib) from swapping away from that familiar.

There is no ocw_f_nuns setting. There is instead a "ocw_nunspeed" setting. If true, it will use your best meat familiar. If false, it will use your best meat-producing familiar.

@Iaoth: Settings don't exist until you run the script that creates them. You can run OCW once to create your settings, but stop it before it does any adventuring, then adjust settings as desired.
I am getting this error when I tried to run the script; I have updated to Mafia V 13.9. I ran it fine last ascension and now this. Any ideas? Thank you!

Function 'error( string )' undefined (wossname.ash, line 402)

btw, I get this also when I try to call the vars.


Staff member
Change error("whatever message here") to vprint("whatever message here", -2).

It's because of a relatively new version of zLib, which eliminated the function error(), since it was deprecated by vprint().

(relatively meaning in the past couple of months, heh)


Staff member
Open up the ASH file in a text editor like Notepad (non-formatting is the key, here!) and locate error via the find feature that just about every text editor has. A good portion of us ASH scripters like using Notepad++ since it also numbers the lines, so it's easier to find the problematic line.


Well-known member
I suspect you just need to update this script. It will still work with Ascend, if that's where you got this version that apparently has update notifications removed.


Staff member
I thought most of Zarqon's scripts came with automatic version-checking. Apparently this one doesn't, which is odd in itself.


Well-known member
I think dj_d stripped out automatic updating for my scripts when he bundled them with Ascend. Probably that's where GT got this one.


How do you know which plan Mafia is doing? i want it to get the Wossname, but out of 3 tries i have not gotten it.


Staff member
Set ocw_warplan in vars_<charname>.txt, with <charname> being your character's name. For the wossname, there's "optimal", "slowest", and "fastest".