One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


New member
New problem (version 1.5.6) - apart from the typos, which I fixed.
Also happened in version 1.5.5

I have the following lines:
ocw_f_default Baby Gravy Fairy
ocw_f_nuns Leprechaun

Instead, it equips my 8 lb cocoabo, which would take about 60 turns, vs my 30lb leprechaun, at 20 turns.

It has also occasionally tried to have it equip the meat detector from my 30 lb leprechaun.

Ended up doing the themthar hills manually, as the script kept changing out of optimal gear. Will try script again when I've completed the nuns.
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New member
Ended up doing the themthar hills manually, as the script kept changing out of optimal gear. Will try script again when I've completed the nuns.

And it's rockin away just fine after the nuns. Did the farm quest no problems, equipped the specified familiar, killed the right number of hippies, and so on.

This is a huge timesaver! Thanks for writing it.


What is in your flyeredML property? (Type "get flyeredML" in the CLI to find out.)

If you've completed the quest and it's not "10000", then set it manually by typing "set flyeredML = 10000". You may also need to set sidequestArenaCompleted to either "hippy" or "frat".

My flyeredML was over 22,000.

I set it to 10,000 and also needed to set the completed preference to get the script to continue.

I have another character wading through the battlefield and had to complete the flyering step manually again. This time I had no empty bottles so it didn't attempt Cyrus, but I got hit by the GMoB loop That FN Ninja mentions.


Well-known member
Ugh. Obviously the last hurried update was not up to my usual level of quality. I usually like to test things first, but felt some pressure to get the update out, so did a crap job of it. MORAL: a test a day keeps the bug reports away.

So, new update. And as a bonus, this one actually verifies. I added some code which will probably unlock the Soup if you haven't unlocked it yet. Also fixed the stuff mentioned above. Thanks Ninja for the fixes.

@Peasant: there is no "ocw_f_nuns" setting. OCW instead looks at "ocw_nunspeed" to decide which familiar to use -- if true, it will use your best meat familiar, otherwise will use the familiar which earns you personally the most meat.

Trying to equipping the meat detector on the Cocoabo is a mafia problem. This script doesn't do anything with familiar gear.


Choosing strategy...
You cannot use the Cyrus strategy. Selecting another...
GMoB estimated adventures: 3
HitS estimated adventures: 63
Additional factor: star items needed
Finding the Bee Man...

I have never visited the bathroom this ascension so I don't know how it calculates only 3 adventures for the bee man.

using 1.5.7
That seems strange. I know you said you've never visited the bathroom, but what is/was the value of your "guymadeofbeescount" property? That is the main factor in determining the estimated advs for GMoB. If you've never visited the bathroom it should be zero and the estimated advs for GMoB would be around 60 in that case.


Well-known member
Strange. This has never happened for me, so I'm not sure what to tell you either. It could be that your guyMadeOfBeesCount property (case sensitive) was not reset when ascending (i.e. you ascended outside of mafia or are playing on multiple computers), so the calculation is based on your last run's count. Make sure it's set to 0.


I am in BM and I have noticed a few properties that do not reset correctly when ascending into BM. This may just be another one of those since I only play on one computer and don't know what the original login page even looks like anymore.

For example, the telescope property never resets when going into BM.

since the script adventured about 5 turns before I stopped it I don't know what it was before the script ran. It is now at 1 and the reset is at my ascension count.
untested suggestion:
if (get_property("lastGuyMadeOfBeesReset") != my_ascensions( ))
set_property("lastGuyMadeOfBeesReset")=my_ascensions( );


> zlib ocw_warplan = fastest

No setting named 'ocw_warplan' exists.

> call scripts\wossname\Wossname.ash

Expected ), found $ (Wossname.ash, line 86)

There was nothing even remotely similar to "warplan" in my vars_myname.txt file, I added it, same response, added the plan name to the appropriate area in the .ash file, same response. I've never gotten this script to work for me, and I'd really like to.

If worst comes to worst, could I just get a way to exchange loot? I've seen it in the script, but I'm clueless with .ash and have *no* idea how to excise just that bit and have it still function.

Thanks for sharing your hard work with us, and there will be some more bat items headed your way before crimbo :)
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Well-known member
Have you run OCW yet? Running a script is what creates the settings for that script. Until you run it, the settings will not exist. You can stop the script during the version check... once it reaches that point, all the OCW settings should be created in your settings file, including ocw_warplan. Type "zlib vars" in the CLI to double-check.


FYI Zarqon, I'm in the middle of another run-through and the script successfully completed the flyering step this time. :)

It still needed a bit of manual intervention though. It navigated through the primordial soup to Cyrus, but I needed to flyer him manually. After restarting the script though, it picked up where it left off and completed the arena with no problem. Next ascension I'll see how the GMoB route goes.

Thanks for all your efforts! The MacGuffin and Battlefield quests are the reasons I stopped ascending. They're fun to go through once, but after that they are a dreaded chore as far as I'm concerned. These two scripts take the sting out of it. :)


I have found that it isn't there until you actually start the war. After seeing this one of my accounts I added
ocw_warplan	fastest
to the all of my Vars_xxx.txt for my multis.

Go fig, me helping the borg Queen (clan joke).


'Apparently there's some kind of fatal error on line 86 in the version I have. Once I deleted this line...

item_turnin(0 $item("Lockenstock"));

it seemed to function normally, yay! Thanks guys :)


Well-known member
Little wonder -- that line is ridden with syntax errors. A correct version would be:


@Heffed: Yes, the first post mentions that your CCS needs to handle flyering Cyrus.


Well-known member
Yes, that should have worked. Didn't it? It's been quite a while since an update, so I'm a little vague on what the current released version of FTF does with Cyrus. I'll see about doing an FTF update today.


Little wonder -- that line is ridden with syntax errors. A correct version would be:


Sorry, that also prevents it from functioning. I get the same line 86 error either way the lockenstock line is written.


New member
Is there a way to skip ahead a step on a warplan, or will I need to make a new one?

I'm attempting to run the optimal plan, but ocw has gotten itself stuck on the Lighthouse quest, even though it completed it already. I've gone into optimal.txt and changed sidequestLighthouseCompleted to true, but that hasn't fixed it. Here's what it's been giving me on cli:

Waiting completed.
Conditions list cleared.
Step 3: Lighthouse sidequest
Visiting the lighthouse keeper with 0 barrel of gunpowder.
Mood swing complete.
You can't wear that outfit.
You need 5 more barrel of gunpowder to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: barrel of gunpowder (5)
barrel of gunpowder (5)

Request 1 of 23 (IsleWar: Wartime Sonofa Beach) in progress...

[3911] Wartime Sonofa Beach
Nothing more to do here.

Visiting the lighthouse keeper with 0 barrel of gunpowder.
Visiting the lighthouse keeper with 0 barrel of gunpowder.
Unable to complete step 3
Restoring initial settings...
Putting on beer helmet...
Equipment changed.
Putting on distressed denim pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on bejeweled pledge pin...
Equipment changed.
OCW stopped.

I suppose I should add that I've been following optimal.txt manually since this came up, so I'll need ocw to jump ahead a couple steps at this point.
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