Bug - Fixed Odd outfit behaviour?


I have an outfit with a staff in mainhand, and a dreadful glove in offhand. When I equip the outfit using the custom outfit dropdown in the Gear Change tab, the dreadful glove appears in the mainhand slot, with offhand empty. When I then check my equipment, if shows me with staff in mainhand and glove in offhand, and corrects mafia.

Any ideas why this happens?


Staff member
You are equipping two weapons. When you equip an outfit, KoL simply says "Item equipped:" for both of them but does not mention the slot. We put them into weapon/offhand slot in the order KoL lists.

Obviously, a chefstaff goes into the weapon slot only, but, apparently KoL lists it second.

I will change the code to recognize that the chefstaff must go in the weapon slot.