OCD Inventory control

Some of us don't read G-D. Regardless, I put the recipes into KoLmafia yesterday.

Thanks for the info about single yield even for Saucerors, though. I guess they just wanted to twist the knife even farther after their nerf.
Is there an option to limit purchases when mall selling specific items? Looking at the code and options it doesn't seem like there is. Would it be possible to add that?
Got my first pulverizable piece of Dreadsylvania gear. However, the option to pulverize drafty drawers doesn't show in the dropdown list. Didn't know if this was something in OCD or not, but I thought I'd ask here first.
KoLmafia revision 12410 adds the new "pulverize into cluster" equipment to ASH's get_related( item, "pulverize" ). I assume that's what OCD uses to see if something can be pulverized. Try it.
KoLmafia revision 12410 adds the new "pulverize into cluster" equipment to ASH's get_related( item, "pulverize" ). I assume that's what OCD uses to see if something can be pulverized. Try it.

Since I modified my copy of OCD to allow me to pulverize items that result in useless powder (for my collection) I can confirm that get_related( item, "pulverize" ) is indeed central to how OCD determines if something is pulverizable. So r12410 should fix Fluxxdog's issue.
KoLmafia revision 12410 adds the new "pulverize into cluster" equipment to ASH's get_related( item, "pulverize" ). I assume that's what OCD uses to see if something can be pulverized.

Yup! I love to let Veracity update OCD by updating KoLmafia instead of having to code everything myself. Thanks Veracity!

Since I modified my copy of OCD to allow me to pulverize items that result in useless powder (for my collection) I can confirm that get_related( item, "pulverize" ) is indeed central to how OCD determines if something is pulverizable.

I am so glad that SVN merges your changes into my version 'cause I'd hate to make that a standard feature and I'd hate to fail your needs.
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I am so glad that SVN merges your changes into my version 'cause I'd hate to make that a standard feature and I'd hate to fail your needs.

Yeah, I can just imagine your response if I had made a feature request for this. I am probably the only person who would ever want this and it probably would've caused people to complain to you. IMO, this is a perfect use of the new SVN capabilities of mafia.
Yup! I love to let Veracity update OCD by updating KoLmafia instead of having to code everything myself. Thanks Veracity!
So we may have a bug then.
> ash get_related($item[drafty drawers],"pulverize")

Returned: aggregate int [item]

> ash get_related($item[halibut],"pulverize")

Returned: aggregate int [item]
sea salt crystal => 1000000
It shows up in the Item Manager as cold cluster, but not ash. Off to the bug report forum!
> ash get_related($item[drafty drawers],"pulverize")

Returned: aggregate int [item]
cold cluster => 1
Works for me. Perhaps you didn't update to 12410, which made it work that way?

Edit: Actually, there is a bug: it is supposed to return the number of items you get by pulverizing a million of the item. Revision 12419 fixes that.

> ash get_related( $item[drafty drawers], "pulverize" )

Returned: aggregate int [item]
cold cluster => 1000000
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I have latest Build and just installed script from vpn

script wont allow me to save Stock List.

when i click on "New" the list gets created but when I save it, it gets deleted and nothing shows.

I get a red error in mafia saying my item list is corrupted or missing

Edit: the list shows in the 'data' folder, it is just not showed in browser
2nd edit: the script didnt stock items even if list is in folder

I was having this trouble as well. After poking around, I discovered that the created data was being stored in OCDstock.txt, while my character's stock file is OCDstock_dameoshi.txt. Copying OCDstock.txt to OCDstock_dameoshi.txt gave the expected results. Most likely this is a problem that mainly occurs if you run more than one character in mafia since that causes the _character.txt suffix by default I think?
autoSatisfyWithCloset => false
Pulling items from stash...
Transfer failed for roasted marshmallow (7)
Movement of items failed.
Searching for "roasted marshmallow"...
Search complete.
Purchasing roasted marshmallow (7 @ 518)...
You acquire roasted marshmallow (7)
Purchases complete.
Pulling items from stash...
Transfer failed for tiny plastic abominable fudgeman
Movement of items failed.
Searching for "tiny plastic abominable fudgeman"...
Search complete.
Purchasing tiny plastic abominable fudgeman (1 @ 11,750)...
You acquire an item: tiny plastic abominable fudgeman
Purchases complete.
Pulling items from stash...
Transfer failed for tiny plastic Big Candy
Movement of items failed.
Searching for "tiny plastic Big Candy"...
Search complete.
Stopped purchasing tiny plastic Big Candy @ 35,000.
Using cached search results for tiny plastic Big Candy...
Stopped purchasing tiny plastic Big Candy @ 35,000.
You need 1 more tiny plastic Big Candy to continue.
Pulling items from stash...

How come the program keeps on trying to buy these items? I don't have them in a stock or closet list. It does it every time I try and run the program.
I suspect that something is being fuzzy matched. Badly. Could you post your OCDdata_alexsqian.txt and OCDstock_alexsqian.txt files so we can look for the culprit? (If your character's name isn't alexsqian, please substitute)

What phase of the script does that happen during? (You only gave me a small snippet.) If it only happens during stocking, then we only need to see OCDstack. On the other hand, if this happens at the beginning then it is more likely to be caused by the creation phase and we'd need to see OCDdata.
It happens right at the very beginning, and it continues to buy (or try to and fail) many items, most of which are tiny plastics.
It then also happens several more times after that, when putting items up for sale, or before making the key lime pies.
View attachment OCDdata_alexq.txt

Thanks so much for the reply!
If it can happen before making the key lime pies, it would have to be a MAKE, but I don't see anything possible.

Can you please copy/paste the results of zlib OCD

I'm particularly curious if BaleOCD_DataFile = alexq. If not, then we'll have found a new data file to look at.

Finally, check your entire mafia directory for another file called OCDdata_alexq.txt anywhere. Even if it is in the base KoLmafia directory it can influence things.
zlib BaleOCD_Ascension = 45
zlib BaleOCD_DataFile = alexq
zlib BaleOCD_EmptyCloset = -1
zlib BaleOCD_EmptyHangks = 0
zlib BaleOCD_kBay = 1
zlib BaleOCD_MallDangerously = false
zlib BaleOCD_MallMulti = sellbot
zlib BaleOCD_MultiMessage = Mall multi dump
zlib BaleOCD_Pricing = auto
zlib BaleOCD_RemoveOutfit = 0
zlib BaleOCD_Sim = false
zlib BaleOCD_Stock = 1
zlib BaleOCD_StockFile = alexq
zlib BaleOCD_UseMallMulti = true
zlib har_gen_defaultocd = true

Here you go.
And you looked for another file with the same name in another directory? Including in the base KoLmafia directory?
Is there a way to disable the "add data" button or revert the changes it makes? Three times now I've clicked it without thinking and had a ton of changes made to my database, which requires a reinstall. If there's some workaround, I'd be interested in that possibility also. Thanks!
It "requires a reinstall"?

You can always edit the current state of your database, either in a text editor, or using the built-in functionality.
"Required" was too strong of a word. But when I only have a hundred or so items set, nuking and paving seems easier than deleting two thousand lines to save the hundred I want.