Bug - Fixed NPE when fighting Combat Training Snowman

r16690. When entering a fight with the Combat Training Snowman via the Relay Browser in Firefox, Mafia logs a Java NPE. This happens consistently each time I enter that fight, and at each round during the fight. This also causes Mafia not to log fights in _snojoFreeFights or snojo***Wins.

Debug log (View attachment DEBUG_20160213.txt) is attached. I think it's got a ton of extraneous info, mostly from chat refreshing itself. I figured too much was better than too little. Someone please let me know if a less-verbose log would be useful, and how to generate one. (Leaving chat closed before entering the fight?)

This could very well be due to something I've changed - maybe an issue in one of my scripts. But I can't pin anything down and I'm hoping an expert's eyes will see something I don't.
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