Bug - Fixed No warning when crafting using turns


I have promptAboutCrafting set to 1, but am not getting warnings when trying to craft things (am currently in HC KOLHS). I have access to Inigos, but have managed to make both Smiths gear and food/milk without it, in the first case forgetting I wasn't in muscle sign, in the latter having 4 AT songs running and not noticing Inigo's failed. If I set promptAboutCrafting to 2, I don't get a warning either. Am trying to craft from Item Manager.


Weird, taking a quick look at this, and if I try to make hot and sour sauce, there is no warning. If I try to make Hot Hi Mein, there is a warning. Making smiths items there is no warning.


Well-known member
I've noticed this as well. The only time I seem to get a warning is if an action requires the use of the Wok of Ages.


Only seem to have the issue in run in hardcore, which means I'll have to check this out next time I'm in run. At least I have a dev environment set up now which should make it easier to find the issue.


Ok, tracing through this is looks like crafting things using the creatable tab doesn't do any checks whether you want to use adventures at all. Is this right ?

I'm surprised that no crafting other than the consumption screens check if you are happy to use adventures or not, especially for those things that there is no graphical interface. Is this everyone's expectation ?

Would adding a prompt before using adventures to craft here be invasive or good ?


Add a prompt! It should be there! My expectation is that mafia would always prompt me before using an adventure.
Hey, while we're looking at the crafting code, is there a reason if I have chef-in-the-box already installed that mafia insists on buying a dramatic range when I cook the knob cake from gcli?


Hey, while we're looking at the crafting code, is there a reason if I have chef-in-the-box already installed that mafia insists on buying a dramatic range when I cook the knob cake from gcli?

Yes. Knob frosting (at least according to the wiki) is a fancy cooking ingredient. As such, it can only be cooked if you have a dramatic range deployed in your kitchen. The chef-in-the-box only affects the turns, not the ability to cook fancy ingredients. At least, afaik.