Feature - Implemented New Combat Macro Predicate

CDMoyer has added a new predicate (happymediumglow) to the game's combat macro language. KoLmafia's syntax checker will give you an error if you try to use it in a combat macro. This isn't a huge deal since you can still save the macro and use it, but there's already a post on the forums from somebody who was convinced that their macro was broken.


Man I could not find this file for the life of me. Turns out I was only searching *.java and *.txt. :rolleyes:
I've finally gotten to play with my medium and I have been using the happymediumglow predicate in my ccs. But it would be way more powerful if when mafia changed the graphic in the main interface, it also set a property _mediumGlow with values none, blue, orange, red.



Glow color is available to KoLmafia! Instead of checking for a property, you need to check the proxy record for $familiar[Happy Medium].image

none: medium_0.gif
blue: medium_1.gif
orange: medium_2.gif
red: medium_3.gif