Bug - Fixed Munchies Pills are not being consumed


New member
Eating the Munchies Pill in Item manager under food doesn't use any of the items, same with under the General Tab. It lowers the number of pills by x amount that you choose to use, but login to your account and verify - the number of pills hasn't changed, and you don't get the benefit either.

Any help? Been using Mafia for many years now, and I think it stopped working about 8 months ago or so. Lost track of time!
I can confirm that munchies pills are working properly in r14352. Note: You must queue helpers (like munchies pills) BEFORE queuing the food you want them to affect.


Staff member
Munchies pills aren't actually helpers, they can be bulk-consumed ahead of time and will apply to food until the counter runs down.
Munchies pills aren't actually helpers, they can be bulk-consumed ahead of time and will apply to food until the counter runs down.
Yes, but you still have to queue them first, then the food to be modified. I was not aware munchies pills didn't count as "helpers" in KoLmafia parlance.


Staff member
Let's say you queue things in the "wrong" order. Mafia will eat the food first, then consume munchies pills. In that case, mafia still consumed the munchies pills. Logging in without mafia would show that they were consumed.

There was a bug where mafia would fail to consume them at all. I believe it was fixed before this bug report was posted. Since they didn't follow up, I'm going to assume they just had a version of mafia from before it was fixed.


Staff member
We maintain a real queue of things to consume. You successively add things to the end, and when we consume, we pull them off in order from the front. Used to be, we didn't really display it that way, and if you queued one of item A, one of B, and another of A, it would show you 2 of item A and one of B. I fixed that; what you now see exactly what you asked for in the order you asked for it. And that is the order that KoLmafia will "use" the items.

A "helper" is something like Old Scratch's salad fork which is tied specifically to a single item; we have to specify it in the request we make to KoL to eat the specific item. We allow you to queue <N> "helpers", and we will use them for the next <N> things you queue after that.

Munchies pills are not tied to specific items like that but, as lost says, they have to be used before the foods are used. Therefore, you have to queue them before the foods you want them to affect.