New Content - Rejected Mr. Store skills are HP


Active member
Fujiko was trying to find out which skill is being missed that is HP, and in the process found that the Mr. Store skills, despite KoL tagging them as HP, aren't marked as permable by mafia. Example skill:
> ash $skill[Summon Snowcones].permable

Returned: false
These... well, here's the quoted list of HP skills that aren't marked as permable by mafia currently:
These are all (HP) - I think it's all of the tome/libram/grimoire skills:
Summon Snowcones
Summon Stickers
Summon Sugar Sheets
Summon Clip Art
Summon Candy Hearts
Summon Party Favor
Summon Love Song
Summon BRICKOs
Summon Dice
Summon Resolutions
Summon Hilarious Objects
Summon Tasteful Items
Summon Alice's Army Cards
If these could be marked as permable to match KoL, that would be nice. Thanks!


Staff member

KoLmafia uses "permable" to mean something that you have the option to spend karma on in Valhalla. Mr. Store skills are not "permable". They are, essentially, auto-permed when you use the book.

I'd like you to explain exactly how KoLmafia not marking these as "permable" changes anything for you.


Active member
I initially noticed that when comparing the count of permable skills in the snapshots to the count of permable skills. There's apparently 191 permable skills according to the leaderboards, but mafia is missing several of them, claiming to have 177. One of those is the Arse Shoot skill, which is item granted and therefore probably not actually permable, bringing the count to 176. 13 of the missing skills would be the Mr Store skills, brining the count to 189. Those are the skills that Fujiko has.

This FReq came up to try to see if it's possible to find what else the players with 190 or 191 skills have that Fujiko does not.


Staff member
Bottom line is, bookshelf skills are NOT "permable" in the way most skills are. They do not appear on charsheet.php marked (HP) - or at all. The only way we know you have them is by looking at your bookshelf. If they are on your bookshelf, we add them to your "available skills" list - but we do not add them to your "permed skills" list.

Interestingly enough, things like Rainbow Gravitation and Trancendant Olfaction do show up on your charsheet so-marked. Therefore, when we read the charsheet, we add them to both your "available skills" list and your "permed skills" list.

At the Gash, we list all skills which are not on your "permed skills" list as "skills you have not yet permed" - unless the skills are "not permable".

When we add a Bookshelf skill to your "available skills" list, we should probably add it to your "permed skills" list. If we did that, we could remove the Bookshelf skills from the "not permable" list, which would do what you are asking.

Perhaps somebody who cares will do that.


Active member
Didn't the bookshelf skills actually show upon the charsheet before the bookshelf was implemented in the way it is now? I.e. back when there was a lot less of them than it is now, perhaps explaining why the Rainbow skill still shows up there (it's is automatically HP but not a book so wasn't removed in that change).