MP goes to full, recast buffs as needed, but won't cast libram skills


Any way I can set the program to cast summon brickos or summon love songs when my MP gets full during auto-adventuring? When my MP gets full, it'll recast my buffs until they're about 1000 turns each, then it'll just let my MP stay full and not cast anything.

I don't like stopping it every 10 or so adventures, and I don't like ignoring a full MP bar either.


Staff member
The laziest way to do it is to add an unconditional trigger to a mood to "cast * bricko" or "cast * love song" if you don't feel like looking into a script. That requires picking one though, so maybe it isn't what you want, and it might conflict with having mana to burn for a while to maintain buffs.


Staff member
Have you tried checking the "Cast summoning skills during buff balancing" setting on the General tab of Preferences? No mood, no script.


I have "cast summoning skills during buff rebalancing" selected. it looks like that's restricted to cocktails, noodle,s and reagents however.

I've never set moods before. Most of my mafia use is to keep track of semirares, five recent adventures, store access, and the oh-so useful Burn extra MP (I love this thing in-run). How does one set a mood with an unconditional trigger to cast brickos like that?

Edit: Figured out the mood thing. Thanks.
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