Feature - Implemented mood list in ASH


Staff member
If I define a mood, I can see everything in it in the CLI with 'mood list'
I can get a list of different moods already defined in ASH with string [int] get_moods( )

It would be great to get a list of what is IN the mood in ASH, similar to how 'mood list' in the CLI works. Maybe this:

string [int] mood_list( string )
I'd be interested in getting something similar. Perhaps a record that returns the three things required to define a mood?

{string trigger; effect e; string action} [int] mood_list ( string )
I have a version of this that is getting strings into the calling script for the current mood. I will clean up and make it "useful" and check in ASAP.

I am inclined to only support the current mood because scripters who want to iterate over all modes can already do so.

unconditional | null | MercenaryMood.ash
lose_effect | Disco Leer | cast 1 Disco Leer
lose_effect | Empathy | cast 1 Empathy of the Newt
lose_effect | Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric | cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
lose_effect | Leash of Linguini | cast 1 Leash of Linguini
lose_effect | Polka of Plenty | cast 1 The Polka of Plenty