Bug - Won't Fix Missing image


Okay, this is probably the least important bug report EVER! The image is missing for the especially homoerotic frat-paddle. Since the item belongs to a disabled player it hardly matters, but the item is still in our database so the item's image should be added.

The image can still be found at http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/paddle.gif

> ash $item[especially homoerotic frat-paddle]

Returned: especially homoerotic frat-paddle
plural => especially homoerotic frat-paddles
descid =>
image =>
levelreq => 0
quality =>
adventures =>
muscle =>
mysticality =>
moxie =>
fullness => 0
inebriety => 0
spleen => 0
notes =>
combat => false
reusable => false
usable => false
multi => false
fancy => false
candy => false
bounty => none
bounty_count => 0
seller => none
buyer => none
name_length => 33


Staff member
I don't want to do it. I used to have a copy of the itemdesc saved away, but I lost or discarded it. I am also loathe to remove the item from tradeitems.txt, but perhaps we should revel in loathing and do it...