Feature - Rejected meat costs in item manager

Obviously there will be a huge New Content thread detailing the new Challenge path, but I think this change is something that would be useful outside of Way of the Surprising Fist and is simply made more important by the new content.
Specifically, when looking at food/booze(/spleen, I guess) in the Item Manager, the "purchasable" items appear with their cost: like "day-old beer (25 meat, 0 current)." I think it would be useful if the craftable beers with need-to-be-purchased ingredients showed up the same way: "shot of tomato schnapps (2 possible, 0 current)" should have "70 meat" worked into it somewhere so people know what they are spending before drinking away. I thought I saw something similar to this in another thread, but I don't know if there were plans to work it back into this section of the Item Manager.


For those unaware: if you enqueue an item and look at the resources tab, it shows meat spent. (in addition to other resources)

It's pretty trivial to implement, but.. marking this rejected for now since it seems like it would just busy up the interface. Can reopen if there's a demand for it.