maximizer failing

Sometimes, not always, but it seems once it does it once it wants to do it a few more times, when I use CLI's maximize function, it attempts to equip something already equipped, then it halts because the required item can't be found.

Seems to happen frequently with "maximize mp" when it gets to red wagon.

Any reason this is occuring/way to fix it?

Or should I just unequip all prior to maximize?


Do you have some gCLI output?

That sounded a little like a helpdesk question. Maybe I should ask if your computer's power cord was plugged in first.
Do you have some gCLI output?

That sounded a little like a helpdesk question. Maybe I should ask if your computer's power cord was plugged in first.

My power cord was not plugged in, no.

Now, I don't have the actual text, but I have a pretty decent memory of what it looked like.
X combinations checked, best score some big number
Putting on that one hat...
Equipment changed.
Weilding some sort of weapon...
Equipment changed.
Holding red wagon.
You don't have the item you are trying to equip.
Script halted.
Exact text:
2352 combinations checked, best score 2837.0
Wielding teflon spatula...
Equipment changed.
Holding red wagon...
You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
Script Halted