Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer Broken - Softcore Beecore?


New member
Using a fresh install of Mafia, in Softcore Beecore, attempting to use the Modifier Maximizer seems to stall on "Maximizing...". (I specifically tested with EXP and mainstat in a Disco Bandit.)

I don't have a second in-ronin account I could test it it with in other accounts, so does anybody know if the cause is the Bees or if it's something new in the storage system, or something else?

Edit: I just tried with only creation/folding, it still broken. On-hand items works fine. In a possibly unrelated note, using the Degrassi Knoll's radio via the ML link seems to be broken, though using it through "use item" works okay.

Edit 2: Tried on my Hardcore Beecore account. Maximizer works okay, so it's most likely the combination of things that broke it.

Edit 3: Working again as of r9319.
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