make friends support -- We miss our friend, Zarqon!


Do any of the olfaction helper tools support make friends or are their equivalent calls? Also since make friends is permanent, will a CSS keep using it and wasting MP & love even if I'm already friends with a mob?
Are there any current updated and released olfaction helper tools besides Smart Stasis? WHAM just calls that in, so I count it as being a continuation of SS for that...

I don't think that SS has been updated for any of the additional bits. I do believe that there is tracking on the skills, so that your custom consult script can avoid using that when it's already been used, but... until/unless zarqon comes back to update SS, updates are probably on you. :)
until/unless zarqon comes back to update SS, updates are probably on you. :)

I miss zarqon. He posted on his facebook page a few days ago so I know he's alive and well. I figured I'd mention that here in case someone who doesn't know his real-life identity was wondering if he had met with an unfortunate fate.
I miss zarqon. He posted on his facebook page a few days ago so I know he's alive and well. I figured I'd mention that here in case someone who doesn't know his real-life identity was wondering if he had met with an unfortunate fate.
Thanks. It's always nice to hear people just left KoL and not real life too.

I hadn't realized exactly how many scripts he started. CanAdv, BatBrain, SmartStasis, BBB, One-Click Woss, ZLib, and more.
By helper tools I mean stuff like the CLI command: olfact* ( none | monster name | [item] list | goals ) [abort] - tag next monster [that drops all items in list, or your goals]. Or a property you could look up that tells you your current friendly mob. (Otherwise we need to do a server hit on desc_skill.php?whichskill=15009&self=true and parse it.)
I hadn't realized exactly how many scripts he started. CanAdv, BatBrain, SmartStasis, BBB, One-Click Woss, ZLib, and more.

This troubles me actually. Specifically, BatBrain, SmartStasis and Zlib. Those three scripts are important to a number of other scripts so if they are not kept up we will eventually need a new online repository to replace his, so that other people can see to their maintenance. While they are getting a bit dated, particularly BatBrain, it is not yet at a crisis point so I shouldn't do anything yet.

By helper tools I mean stuff like the CLI command: olfact* ( none | monster name | [item] list | goals ) [abort] - tag next monster [that drops all items in list, or your goals]. Or a property you could look up that tells you your current friendly mob. (Otherwise we need to do a server hit on desc_skill.php?whichskill=15009&self=true and parse it.)

KoLmafia does not have such a thing for "make friends"
I miss zarqon. He posted on his facebook page a few days ago so I know he's alive and well. I figured I'd mention that here in case someone who doesn't know his real-life identity was wondering if he had met with an unfortunate fate.

Just to clarify, has he moved on or is he just Really Extraordinarily Busy? Has he responded to any contact? In my dealings he has always been reasonable and I image if someone contacted him and asked when he expected to be involved with maintaining his KoLmafia scripts he'd answer. The nature of his answer, or its absence would clue the community in as to how to proceed.

Bale - perhaps you might volunteer since he hasn't answered email or logged in anywhere that we know but you have seen Proof of Life on Facebook?
That seems reasonable. I don't actually do facebook (until now) so I hope I sent my message to him properly. (The methodology is unfamiliar to me.)

It appears that he is really busy in real life, mostly with his music. He just finished a significant gig so he might be appearing here again soon, unless that was just a gateway to bigger things for him.
I received a response from zarqon! I'll summarize.

He was suffering from a burnout on KoL which was accelerated when he was suddenly deluged by a huge influx of new content. That's why we lost him during the Class Revamps. He promised me that by July he'll figure out how he intends to continue with scripting for KoL.
I received a response from zarqon! I'll summarize.

He was suffering from a burnout on KoL which was accelerated when he was suddenly deluged by a huge influx of new content. That's why we lost him during the Class Revamps. He promised me that by July he'll figure out how he intends to continue with scripting for KoL.

Thank you.
I received a response from zarqon! I'll summarize.

He was suffering from a burnout on KoL which was accelerated when he was suddenly deluged by a huge influx of new content. That's why we lost him during the Class Revamps. He promised me that by July he'll figure out how he intends to continue with scripting for KoL.
Thanks Bale. This rapid non-ending rate of change is very tiring.
Hello friends!

I'm back, and I'm only supporting the scripts in my sig. I'm also not supporting them quite as vigorously as I used to. It used to be, when KoL made a change, I would immediately start thinking about which of my scripts were affected and start making the changes necessary to bring them back up to date. However, the sheer volume of new content in the last year or so was simply too overwhelming, and I'm now so extremely behind that I don't even know how behind I am. So, I will be adding support for things either 1) as I encounter them myself, or 2) as people post actual patches/code or detailed descriptions of content I've not yet encountered. I will otherwise remain fairly apathetic towards supporting content that I haven't yet been able to play. The idea being that the best way to catch up is to keep taking the next step.

I develop my scripts for fun, and I share them online to increase the fun in the world, and although a sense of loyalty and obligation to the scripting community also grew out of that as a result, I'm simply not going to spend all my scripting time trying to research parts of the game I haven't had time to play yet just so that I can support them. I also want the chance to play. It got to be a catch-22 type situation, where I couldn't play the game because I had to research the newer content (which I was nowhere near playing), which got me further and further behind in playing at the expense of posting functionality that I wasn't even sure I liked, given that I hadn't play-tested it! Ridiculous. Not even funny.

So, here we are. I'm slowly making my way through the updated level 11 quest now for the first time and adjusting the various relevant scripts as I go. My apologies in advance for not staying leading-edge, but I'll be developing them at my own pace, which will undoubtedly be too slow for those of you who can actually keep up with the game (which I'd guess would include the average play-every-day player). Please continue to report issues with my scripts in their various threads and I'll either fix them or make a note to address what you report when I encounter the issue. If you make a detailed enough report you can get it fixed right away, but otherwise you'll have to exercise patience. Or impatience, for that matter -- either will have the same net result. :)

Also, I was touched to read this thread. Thank you for your kind words, scripting buddies.
Welcome back.

Familiar feelings from my past days doing a Lord of the Rings Online site, where I ended up just trying to play to maintain the site, rather than to have fun, and ended up burning out.

It gets tempting here too, but I'm trying to strike a balance and avoid it this time!