Bug - Fixed Mafia says I can create Hi Mein's with 0 adv and adventures of Inigo's

I saw this report:

But I didn't see one covering this exact behavior. I have 0 adventures, and I cast Inigo's and under "Creatable - Cookable" it says I can make Hi Meins (using r12457).

When I try, I get this:

Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for cold hi mein (1)...
Ran out of adventures.

This looks to me like a bug...if I have no adventures, then using the Wok shouldn't be an option for items I can create.
I saw this again before I ascended tonight. I had 0 adventures, 50 adventures of Inigo's, and the "Cookable" section showed me hi meins as being available to make.
In the "Usable - Food" section it properly says it will take 1 adventure for me to create a lasagna, but under "Creatable - Cookable" it says I can make it with no adventures.


Have burned all my turns today to have a look at this. Am seeing exactly the same.

Usable - Food is showing X possible, 0 current, 1 adv.
Creatable - Cookable is showing quantity X.

(where X is the number of nuggets I have or inigo turns / 5, whichever is smaller, as I have plenty of dry noodles)

Looks to me like an issue with it deciding whether or not to show it, rather than calculating number of adventures it'll need. It still does this with 5 inigos turns left.

Yup - it assumed that for all methods you can reduce the number of turns used with inigos, but this isn't true of Wok, so added an additional check for wok ignoring Inigos. Seems to fix it for me.


  • wok_fix.patch
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