Bug - Fixed Mafia refuses to acknowledge things in my inventory



I ascended yesterday, and it's been like this ever since. I thought maybe it would go away with a new daily version, but it hasn't.


Active member
3rd picture pretty blatantly shows the weirdness in action. I don't really know where to begin with it.

Are they actually appearing in your inventory in the relay browser? I don't think the screenshots actually show that. Are they in your closet/dc or anything silly like that?


Active member
Does the "/count " macro count things in the closet ? Perhaps they are closeted and the autoSatisfy setting is disabled ?


I can't really tell what's missing, because I honestly don't keep track of all the stuff I have in my inventory, but there's a lot of it. One thing I know is that it doesn't show any (EPIC) consumables, except from a bag of QWOP.

The stuff appears in my inventory in the relay browser. It's not in my closet, DC, or Hagnk.


Well, there's an actual stack trace in there that we need to address.

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 5762, Size: 5762

Dug around a bit. Looks like concoctions does this when initializing:

            int max = ItemDatabase.maxItemId();
            for ( int i = 0; i <= max; ++i )
                this.internalList.add( null );

So when the code recently added to register concoctions on unknown items encounters a new item and tries to add it, we'll throw this exception if the new item has an ID larger than the highest one we know about. I have to run out the door right now so I'll get to this later if nobody else can get to it.


r11298 should fix that ArrayOutOfBoundsException, I think. Untested. I'm not sure what item was causing it, but it probably could have caused wonky half-filled concoction issues like you were describing.