Bug - Not A Bug Mafia not seeing "Drinking to Drink" skill post-ronin in Fall of the Dinosaurs


Am in Fall of the Dinosaurs path. Just broke Ronin today. using mafia r26764. Per maifa, my drunkeness is currently at 19/19. Having checked in Vanilla KoL, my drunkeness is 19/20. checked in mafia, and mafia returns false for "ash have_skill($skill[drinking to drink])"

Let me know if there are any debug logs or other such tests you would find helpful performed


Staff member
This seems to be another one of those things that need to be reset that is not being.

I will say it is not happening to me, but I am probably doing something that forces an update. I keep my closet empty when I am out of Ronin, for example, and I often rerun my Login script after breaking Ronin which will do several things including retrying Breakfast.


I will note that the first thing I did on breakign ronin was pull everything from hangks following by a "refresh all". I have indeed done multiple refresh all's since breaking ronin in an attempt to see if they would fix it


Staff member
I am in a DInocore run. I will take a look at this. Seems like it should just be "going from Standard to aftercore", but it is confusing.
I cannot currently connect to the Wiki because "Your connection is not private".
Both in Safari and Chrome.
Now that it is October, perhaps their certificate expired.

I'll wait for the Wiki to fix its bug and then look further at this.