Bug - Fixed Mafia falsely believes that mixing SGEEA Martinis requires adventures


New member
When attempting to create SGEEA martinis through cli command, mafia states that "You cannot mix fancy drinks without adventures". Likewise, SGEEA martini does not show up in item manager - creatable - mixable tab


New member
Would appear that you need the skill learnt to craft it, but neither the SGEAA nor Rockin' Wagon are listed as fancy cocktailcrafting ingredients, and thus no turns are required


The Rocking' Wagon is made from Fancy ingredients, that should make it a fancy ingredient.

Did you confirm that it doesn't take a turn to craft?


I thought the "Fancy" attribute was inherited, like with key lime pies. But key limes are marked as fancy ingredients, and Rockin' Wagons are not.

In this case, we had something we knew would happen some day: a non-fancy advanced cocktailcrafting recipe. If I remember correctly, we were betting this wouldn't happen, and internally all the AC recipes are assumed to be fancy.

I won't be able to play around with this for a while, but maybe Lost can take it into account in his concoction revamp? :)


Staff member
I'm pretty sure it's straightforward to implement in the current system, since we mark the recipes as fancy rather than ingredients.