Mafia and Windows 7


New member
When I log into the mafia program itself, none of the icons along the top row nor the familiar image show up. I tried v13.7 exe and daily build 8000 and they both have the same problem. I didn't have the problem back on Vista, so I'm figuring it has something to do with Windows 7 but I can't figure out what. Could I get some help please? Thank you
I've never had this problem with Vista or Windows 7 which, incidentally, I installed (as an in place upgrade from Vista) about a week after it became available. I do, however, update and build from source as opposed to using a daily build someone else made.

I wonder if mafia does not know where the image files are? That could be because default directories have changed, perhaps because of different user accounts or because of the way you are starting mafia.

Any chance there is a debug log with an error message? Tell me more about your system - user account used, how you launch mafia, etc. and maybe I'll have an idea for you.
The only user acct on this computer is my own so I have admin and everything. I'm running Windows 7 home premium 32bit, I have mafia in a folder on my desktop and launch it from there, all the other folders associated with the mafia program are also in the ssame folder
The only user acct on this computer is my own so I have admin and everything. I'm running Windows 7 home premium 32bit, I have mafia in a folder on my desktop and launch it from there, all the other folders associated with the mafia program are also in the ssame folder

Hmmm. Any debug logs in the sessions directory? How do you launch mafia? Double click on jar or some other way? I have a vague recollection that it is possible to package things in a jar file and then run it such a way that it kind of works but doesn't find all of the resources it needs which could explain your problem.

For the record, I'm running Home Premium 64 bit with 4Gb memory. I have mafia in a separate directory and launch it from a batch file. The reasons for that are lost in the mists of time but have something to do with my desire that the settings files and related directories are the same whether I run mafia standalone or from NetBeans which is my development environment.
I just double click on the jar. I submitted a log to veracity but if you'd like I can shoot one to you and see what comes of it fron
I just double click on the jar. I submitted a log to veracity but if you'd like I can shoot one to you and see what comes of it fron
Can't hurt to send me a log. If nothing else, I think veracity's environment is Mac based. If the U.S. mid-Atlantic region really gets the snow that is threatened I should have plenty of time to look at the problem ;)
The log you sent is completely normal.

For some reason, your system is not displaying icons correctly. It's not failing to download them, since the icons you are not seeing are built-in to KoLmafia, not downloaded from KoL (well, familiar images are...).

(To see that that must be so, start the program, get the Login window, and then go to the menu bar and call up the Adventure Frame. And there is the KoLmafia GUI, complete with toolbar and icons, even though you never connected to KoL. Well, probably YOU will not see that - but if you can fix your environment issue, whatver it is, that is a way to test, without having to log in to KoL.)
I did the following experiment. I'm on an XP SP3 machine right now so it may not apply.

I DL'd KoLmafia-8078.jar from the daily builds. I left it on the desktop and double clicked to launch it. The main screen came up as expected. I did not log in to KoL. I opened the Adventure screen and noted the presence of the icons across the top. I exited mafia.

I renamed KoLmafia-8078.jar to be I opened it with Explorer by double clicking on it. I navigated to the images subdirectory. I deleted council.gif since it just happened to be the first icon on the Adventure screen. (Tangentially, this deletion took minutes to complete so be patient, if you replicate my experiment). I confirmed the absence and exited Explorer. I then renamed the zip file back to a jar file.

I repeated the process of launching the jar file, not logging in, and then displaying the Adventure screen. The first icon, for the Council, was missing.

This suggests a couple of things to try. The first would be to open the jar file (by renaming, as above) and confirming the presence of the images subdirectory and files. Perhaps the problem is due to a corrupted jar file?

I would also verify that the system "understands" gif files. Double clicking on an image file should bring it up in a viewer as a recognizable image.

If everything checks out then my sense of deja vu suggests that this is a Java environment/configuration issue but I don't recall what to look for first.

JonD - have you solved your problem, do you need more help or do you just not care anymore? If the first, please tell us how. If the second, then you might consider answering some of the questions posed. If the latter, then never mind. I get distracted and start things I don't finish, too :-)
I tried what you suggested on the 4th and for some strange reason it didn't work. At this point I'm done fighting mafia and will just learn to love the bomb :P
HAHA I did it!!! I apparently had a previous version of java installed so once I got rid of it and re-installed the newest version it works! Yay
Glad to hear. I had suspected it was a Java problem, not a mafia problem, but it is nice to have confirmation. Given that mafia is supposed to be "J2SE 1.4 compliant" I wonder if this is a bug to be dealt with or whether mafia just updates the supported version ;)