Feature - Rejected Logs

I was wondering if we can have a feature where it logs every adventure encounter into a list type log. Not like full detail but encounters on monters in order from oldest to newest and such. Maybe with seperation of the gained items with | for the list of acquired goods. I am sure its simple to implement.. saving it into a txt file..


Staff member
What specifically might you do? sed, awk and bash provide a nice framework for slicing and dicing the existing logs assuming you are not afraid of some *nix commands and environments and don't really want to step up to Perl. The Ascension Log Visualizer parses existing logs and it, or intermediate files it creates may scratch your itch. It might not be necessary to modify mafia to accomplish what you want.


I prefer that logs just be logs. External programs are great for transforming said logs in whatever way you prefer. Maintaining the purity of the original log allows for that to happen.


The session logs as they are contain all the detail you need (at least once you've turned on familiar action logging). After that, I really think it should be up to you to parse them into whatever format you'd like: even if you have no knowledge to start with, it really isn't too challenging if you put an hour or two into learning how to do it (and that's a skill you'll use over and over again). There seems to be little reason for Mafia to store the same info in multiple formats.

edit: Actually, I would like to have a feature which writes out modifiers (+items etc) to the log for each combat.
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