Bug - Won't Fix Loathing Legion hammer interferes with Slime Tube monster recognition.


I started going for the A Screw Ain't One trophy the other day, using the LL hammer in my outfit to kill low level slimes, but mafia was using the [ default ] section of my ccs instead of the [ slime1 ] section. I haven't actually looked at the KoLmafia code, but I'm assuming that happens because it's easier for mafia to tell which slime monster it's fighting by looking at the image name rather than the monster name. I'm also assuming this isn't really that big of an issue, since it took this long for a bug report to show up about it.


Staff member
Mafia is calling them a "Slime Monster" according to AdventureRequest.translateGenericType(). Or you can match it with "The Slime Tube" as the zone name. I'll mark this Won't Fix, maybe Not A Bug would fit. Or maybe someone will open it up to rewrite or add to that block of code (which looks like it would be straightforward to do).