llama Lama Gong Question


Sorry for posting all of these questions I'm just trying to learn as many different things as I can scripting wise. I've been looking at the scripts that use the gong to do stuff and I have a single question.. Example for birdform how do you figure in the NC Event at the end that gets you the feather you are looking for. Since you have 15 adventures and then you get the NC on the next adventure you try to do and you cant use another gong until you do.

1. Use gong and get bird form ( I Can set this up in mafia or use the choice adventure function if need be )
2. Eat the things I need to eat to give me specific Feathers ( easy to do )
3. Adventure the 15 times ( easy to do )
4. do the NC adventure that gives you the feather ( this is the part I'm confused on how to work).

I appreciate all of the help I have been given and it has allowed me to modify some of my old scripts along with helping me make better new ones.


but the NC to get the feather doesnt use up an adventure so it would do the NC and then it would do another adventure after that. Mafia I think takes care of talking to the llama as well so I'm wondering if I didnt just visit the URL of the place I'm adventuring 16 times if that would work.


O Ok Thank you. That means it will also use Mafia's Choice adventure thing as well. Learn something new each day.


can you set that adv1 for other things I know it says that there is a turnsused section but if you set it to 1 and it does an NC that doesnt use up an adventure will it adventure again until 1 adventure is triggered ?


Staff member
All that value is used for is checking counters. For the case where you expect 0 turns to be used, you don't need to trigger a semi-rare warning, for example. If you're trying to get the Let My Bugbears Go! trophy, you might want to trigger a semi-rare warning before you actually get to it.