Kung Fu Hustler Protection?

The Captain

New member
So, I'm one of those sad souls who really, really enjoys using Kung Fu Hustler. Unfortunately, I also like having Mafia do the tower and such for me. The problem is, I never remember to take off the Star Crossbow or Huge Mirror Shard, and blunder into combat with it on like the mook I am, and end up losing all my Hustlin' benefits. I also tend to have the same problem in the wake of going through the mines into the Goatlet. Is there a way to set Mafia to respect Kung Fu Hustler and dequip weapons and offhand items after using them for necessary events?

Also, bear in mind that I'm an idiot, so if there's many steps to this, please explain them to me like I'm a particularly slow child. =I


If mafia's equipment restoration won't restore a lack of gear, then there is no setting that will add the function you desire.

This sounds like a feature request.


Staff member
The issue, I guess, is that we implement outfit checkpoints by saving and restoring an outfit around the intra-checkpoint actions. When you tell KoL to change to an outfit, it equips everything that is in the outfit, but does not unequip anything that is NOT in the outfit. Which makes sense, in its own way, since depending on what pieces you have in your outfit, it is possible to wear all of TWO different outfits.

So, yeah, as Bale says, it sounds like a feature request.

The Captain

New member
Huh, that sounds like kind of a complicated problem. Might it be possible/easier to make Hustler respect a checkbox in preferences, or possibly on gear changer screen? Or, I suppose, Kung Fu Hustler could be made into virtual items that used to fill those two slots. Not sure how irksome that would be to put in.

How does one officially make a feature request? I'm pretty new here, still.

Also, thank you both for the information.