Kolmafia Removing Equipment during fights and asking about Kung Fu Buffs


Friend of mine just started using Kolmafia and its removing her Equipment while shes fighting for some reason and it is also asking her about Kung Fu Buffs and asking if she wants to end them or not.. Does anyone know what might be going on because I've never had it try to remove my EQ while fighting.
KoLmafia can't remove equipment during a fight. When KoLmafia warns you about Kung Fu Buffs, one of the icons will remove equipment (weapons) before a fight. Is she clicking without reading closely?
it was during a 5 adv auto fighting and she doesnt have anything that breaks or needs reset or anything.
Quickest way to fix equipment out of sync issues is to visit the character equipment page in the relay browser.
Yea she said she had to equip all of her items in the relay browser. I dont know if she got it working right or not. But I dont see anything that would cause her to have her EQ removed while auto adventuring.
I've had a -- NOT consistent -- but fairly frequent and across several builds -- similar issue. Mine undresses me when I add to or cast a buff from the Skill Casting Tab. I know that sometimes this is very preferable, and that you guys are smart enough to have added a lovely checkbox in "preferences" for "Allow equipment changing while casting buffs." I have made sure the box was unchecked. I have also checked then unchecked the box to make sure the changes were saved (as I've also made sure was properly checked) and when I look at that box, it's clearly empty - not checked.

The interesting part is that it only seems to do it in the first day or two of a new ascension. Then it stops - whether I've been fiddling with it again or not.

I deliberately removed any auto-changing in aftercore for buffs, and I do it manually (via mafia, but *I* change the outfit and I purposely named it "NAME" so it doesn't even remind mafia of MP or buffs etc. When I do a run, I pre-set, before ascending, all of the automation to pretty much stop - even the NPC stores - until I'm sure I've got enough meat for them to, say, buy MMG in limited quantities with my approval.

IOW, I've done everything I know to do, I cannot reliably reproduce the issue, it happens across many many builds over the last month perhaps, and I just wondered if I'm missing something extremely obvious. This was the only thread I found in my search that even mildly relates to the same issue.

I'm not calling this a bug b/c I'm not sure that it's not something on purpose or that I've somehow screwed up. So - any thoughts welcome. Thanks muchly! Halle