KoLmafia on a server


New member
Okay, let me first state that I'm not a linux wiz so please don't make this too complicated. First off, I'm using a free host that has a linux server. I would like to know how (if possible) to run kolmafia daily using a cron job. I thought it would be something like how I do it on windows through the command prompt but then I just get "/bin/sh: java: command not found". I can't run mafia too well on my home computer since I have 16.2kbps dialup and mafia slows it down majorly.


Staff member
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but the error message you got makes it seem like you aren't allowed to run java stuff on their server, making your request impossible. I'm not at all surprised at this for a free web host.


New member
Well I realized Java is client-side so I'm not sure if it's possible. Just wondering if there was a way around that.


In order to run kolmafia, you're going to need at least a java runtime installed. If you want to compile daily builds, you'll need an SDK java installation.

If your server does not have java installed, then it can't run java programs. If you have root access on the server, you should be able to install java, but that would be detailed somewhere other than a kolmafia forum.

To clear up what you mentioned about java being "client-side," most programs run by users are client-side execution programs. This means that if you're running a program on your computer, all the computation is done on your computer rather than on the server with which you are communicating. The alternative would be a program that sends data off to a server, the server processes the data, and then the server sends something back to you. Whether the program is written in java or some other language has very little to do with the determination of client-side vs server-side execution. In kolmafia's case, it is a client-side execution program that sends and receives data from an external server.

Long story short: no java = no kolmafia. Sorry, but them's the breaks.