Bug - Fixed KoLmafia doesn't display loggedout.php in the Relay Browser anymore


Staff member
This probably happened when the LogoutRequest & LogoutManager were created/refactored recently.

Used to be, if you clicked the "log out" link in the topmenu in the Relay Browser, it would submit a logout command, submit a call to logout.php to KoL, and, when KoL responded with a redirect to loggedout.php, it would return the result of that to the Relay Browser, and you get visual confirmation from KoL that you were logged out.

Now, if I click "log out" in the Relay Browser, it submits the logout OK, but I end up with a blank page.


Staff member
This was more serious than I expected. Turns out the logout command wasn't actually submitting a call to logout.php any more.

Revision 10244