Bug - Cannot Reproduce java.lang. OutOfMemoryError


Hm, looks like a memory leak resulting from constantly reloading the main KoLmafia interface. Not sure if r9189 completely resolves it, but in case it doesn't, you could run your spading army with --CLI instead of using the KoLmafia GUI interface to work around the memory leak.


Active member
Ah, sorry. Should have said. I've unfortunately not been able to try this out yet. I'm unable to access the separate PC on which I run the Kolmafia code because I'm working on an away job for a couple weeks. I'll keep you updated as soon as I can do more testing.

Edit: I've got my access back to give this a test. I'm running it overnight so I'll let you know in the morning.
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Does 37 sound right as the number of logins you managed before running out of memory? There's that many instances of KoLDesktop in your heap dump, each retaining a bunch of GUI-related objects. CLI mode seems like a reasonable thing to try; any actual fix for this problem appears to be deep in hola territory.


Active member
37 logins would be probably about correct, yes. I'll run in CLI mode as a solution from here on in.
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Memory leak that kept the 37 instances of KoLDesktop in memory should be resolved in 10048. Or at least, when I hit the GC button, everything other than the current KoLDesktop got garbage collected.


Staff member
Almost a year after the OP's last comment in this thread and over a month after a request for an update, no response.