Bug - Won't Fix Insult beer pong not all-automatic in mini browser


When I adventure in the bar in the main interface, it'll show the insult beer pong adventure in the mini-browser. In the first round of that, the correct response isn't automatically selected. The other two are, though.

In the relay browser, all three are automatically selected.
Mini-browser vs. relay browser in Barr

I am auto-adventuring in the Barr with insult pong set to open up a browser. It stops and opens the adventure in the mini-browser. That says I have 100% chance of winning so I start the game in the mini-browser. It offers me an insult choice which I blindly select and lose the game. I open the Relay Browser, adventure, get the game and start because I really do have all of the insults. I win the game because the browser is selecting the correct insult each time.

I have seen similar behavior before but I cannot tell whether it is due to a difference between the mini-browser and the relay browser or a difference between the first and second times the option to play is encountered.

In any event, the feature request would be to have the correct insult displayed if the insult is available, regardless of how many times Insult Pong has been encountered and which browser option is used to continue.

It shows up just fine in the relay browser, so it's probably a lack of code for the mini browser. I seem to remember a while back that veracity wasn't too interested in spending the time to improve the mini browser for cases where it isn't forced on you, but maybe this is simple enough that it's worth changing anyway.
My hunch is that the solution is probably tweaking the mini-browser but my track record with KoLmafia hunches is not very good. Do you interpret your experience to eliminate the possibility that the situation is the result of the first encounter?

I seem to recall Hola doing some tweaking as well so who knows?
Do you interpret your experience to eliminate the possibility that the situation is the result of the first encounter?

Yes. Maybe it would work after the first time in the mini browser if there's something interesting about that code, which you could check by reloading the page.
Wasn't part of the point of the mini-browser to give less-modified forms of pages in case of the mafia modifications needing to be changed?

And if you're confused about which to pick, you don't HAVE to pick wrong, you can just close the mini-browser then and open a relay browser, no-fail required...
I agree there are workarounds. However the fact that the recommended response in the mini-browser with all insults known was an incorrect response is an unexpected condition and worthy of discussion/correction.

This is all tied up in the discussion of what mafia should so when automation stops and a user response via browser is required. In the Good Old Days mafia always popped up a mini-browser that was either not annotated or annotated much like the relay browser would be. Similar behavior has been restored via preferences but in this particular case the mini-browser "annotation" is misleading. IMO, of course.
So the problem is that while you know all the choices, the mini-browser is not annotated, so you pick the wrong choice and lose, not that the mini-browser doesn't have the right choice available, correct?
So the problem is that while you know all the choices, the mini-browser is not annotated, so you pick the wrong choice and lose, not that the mini-browser doesn't have the right choice available, correct?

Mini-browser displayed a choice and a button to select the choice that, when pressed, resulted in losing the round because the choice was the wrong insult.

In contrast to the relay browser that displayed a choice and a button to select the choice that, when pressed, resulted in winning the first round and then a display with the second round taunt and a (different) choice as a response. Winning Insult Pong was a simple matter of three clicks in the Relay Browser.
Which bad choice was selected in the minibrowser? The one that is selected in vanilla KoL (because it's the first one in the dropdown), or some other?
Which bad choice was selected in the minibrowser? The one that is selected in vanilla KoL (because it's the first one in the dropdown), or some other?

Didn't notice. I was so used to blasting through the choices offered in mafia in the Relay Browser that I did not read what was presented as the proposed response in the mini-browser.
Does anything actually get quest helps in the mini-browser? I thought the mini-browser skipped all the standard helps and gave the bare KoL information to be useful for if you needed to grab the source... as such, this seems less like a bug and more like a feature, that only applies to people who specifically choose not to use the standard relay options.
I'm going to close this. If anyone wants to blindly punch buttons in Insult Pong then the workaround is to do so in the Relay Browser and not in the Mini-Browser.