Bug - Fixed Incorrect modifiers for Slimesuit outfit bonus


New member
On KoLmafia version r14945:

In modifiers.txt the Slimesuit bonus is listed as:
Slimesuit Cold Resistance: +3, Hot Resistance: +3, Sleaze Resistance: +3, Spooky Resistance: +3, Stench Resistance: +3, Damage Reduction: 10, Muscle Percent: +20

This looks very similar to the hardened slime hat:
hardened slime hat Spooky Resistance: +3, Stench Resistance: +3, Hot Resistance: +3, Cold Resistance: +3, Sleaze Resistance: +3, Damage Reduction: 10, Muscle Percent: +20, Familiar Effect: "1xFairy"

From the game's outfit description:


Outfit Bonus:
Serious Hot Resistance (+3)
Serious Cold Resistance (+3)
Serious Stench Resistance (+3)
Serious Spooky Resistance (+3)
Serious Sleaze Resistance (+3)

Also confirmed that there's not a hidden unlisted bonus of 20% muscle as I encountered this while auto basementing on a resistance test and when I equipped the outfit, there was a leftover 20% muscle in the speculated modifiers. My HP was also lower than the predicted amount.

Can be reproduced by simulating equip of the slimesuit:

1) /unequip all
2) whatif equip hardened slime belt; equip hardened slime pants; equip hardened slime hat
3) Muscle percent will show 40 instead of the 20 expected.

Digging some more, this looks like it was broke in r9903 and just went unnoticed for a while. Perhaps these types of checks could be added to checkitems or checkmodifiers?


Staff member
From the game's outfit description:
Huh. Outfits now tell you what they do in their description, eh? I wonder when KoL started doing that.

Perhaps these types of checks could be added to checkitems or checkmodifiers?
checkitems checks modifiers for items.
checkmodifiers makes sure that each name with modifiers has only valid modifiers.
But, a checkoutfits command would be easy enough to write, now that KoL has started showing outfit enchantments.