Including Runaway's in adventure count?


Is there a way for adventure( 5, $location[ect]) to include runaways?

Specifically i want to use a new bottle of Blank-Out every 5 adventures after the item from my last one is used up. But the adventure part of the script gets stuck in a loop since it doesn't count the runaway as one of the adventures, even if you set it to only run in that location 1 time.


How do you mean? I tried adventure( 1, $location[beanbat chamber]) but it did the same thing, it looped in the adventure as it kept running away, until my glob of blank-out ran out.


Staff member
adventure() and adv1() are not the same function. Since you posted the question in two different places, I'll just point you back to your post on the main forum which has a better response.


Yes I got it now thank you. It appears to be working fine now. Ugly, but fine.

*edit* Found a much more elegant solution to using blank-out via pantless via Aankhen

In mood setup:
Trigger On: Unconditional trigger
Check For: (leave this blank)
Command: if glob of blank-out < 1; use bottle of blank-out;

(If you're using a Hookah, be sure to have your mood automatically SGEEA Haiku State of Mind - Mafia can't properly detect when the glob is consumed if you have that effect.)
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