Feature - Implemented Ignore autostops when teleportisis active


Well-known member
r18299. Since I'm spending a lot of turns auto-adventuring with teleportitis today I noticed the following:

Auto-adventuring keeps stopping when I hit any of the shrines in the Hidden City. The choiceAdventure values for all the shrines are set to choose option 6 (skip).

It also stopped on "I Just Wanna Fly".

Any ideas?
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That are autostops. Without them if you autoadventured at a shrine it would never stop trying and hitting KoL Servers 1000's of times.

Not entirely sure why I Just Wanna Fly is, I guess making it easier to run that quest.

Could make this a Feature to not autostop with Teleportisis ?
Thank you! I'm out of turns for today but I'll try tomorrow.

I just looked at the diff and noticed:

private static final AdventureResult TELEPORTISIS = EffectPool.get( EffectPool.TELEPORTITIS );


KoLConstants.activeEffects.contains( EncounterManager.TELEPORTISIS ) )

Is that a typo in the patch or is it actually misspelled in that way? Teleportitis != Teleportisis
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The change worked perfectly. I automated over three hundred turns, wearing a ring of teleportation, with no auto-stops.

Thank you!