Feature - Implemented hottub not listed among HP restores.


New member
Please? it would save me a whole lot of Meat. If not directly on the HP restorers then on the MP restorers needed to cast my heals.

Please? it would save me a whole lot of Meat.

If you're concerned about saving meat for restoration, then you should be over here. That will replace mafia's default restoration. It will use the hot tub for you. It will also check mall prices to decide what restorative to use in aftercore.
Awesome, thanks for the pointer! And for the script!
It did seem an odd thing to be left out, since it's in Daily Deeds, and Nuns is in the default menus. I'm still a mafia noob, so I don't have all these great scripts installed yet.
Sorry for the bump/necro, but I noticed this today too. Even if we can get autorecovery scripts, shouldn't the tube be in the list by default?
Other restores with daily limits/availability - like the disco rests, medicinal herbs and nuns - are there so...
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I'm not sure why this is a big deal? It IS in the daily deeds and that is fairly convenient to get to. If it were listed in any other restorative listing, I'd be afraid of clicking it accidentally and wasting it. Nuns and Hottub should maintain separation from any generalized restoration list. But that is just my 2 cents.
Well, it's not a big deal, just thought it weird that it wasn't there. And I did say the 'visit the nuns'IS in the 'Use those restores' list...
It does make sense to have the hot tub in the HP restores list too. As Edir pointed out, that list already has restoration methods that have daily limits and/or heal all HP.

I'd like to keep it in the daily deeds even if it is added, though.
Try this out. I don't have a hot tub, but if I understand properly what I've done, there should be a new value for 'relaxing hot tub' for hp restoration. It should only trigger if you're below half health and haven't used all 5 soaks.


Items use completely different code... It's more similar to how the nuns work, though theirs only triggers if it will heal over 1k health.