Bug - Fixed Hidden office choice adv setting


New member

For hidden office, my choice adv is 'fight spirit or get binder clip or fight accountant'.

During the quest, this flawlessly got me a clip then took me to the spirit.

However, now the quest is over it doesn't seem to be doing the 'fight accountant' bit for me.

[1346] The Hidden Office Building
Encounter: Working Holiday
Requested choice (4) for choice #786 is not currently available.
choice 1: Knock on the boss's office door (office empty)
choice 2: Raid the supply cabinet (Get random item)
choice 3: Pick a fight with a cubicle drone (Fight pygmy witch accountant)
choice 6: Take the day off (skip adventure)

Click here to continue in the relay browser.


I believe the fix is in ChoiceManager, line 9649. (return ( hiddenOfficeProgress >= 7 ? "4" : ...) where if your progress is >=7, your choice numbers are 1,2,3,6 - not including 4.
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r13897 should do this.

The choice was designed as "complete quest" as there wasn't much other need for it. Now a bounty has been added fighting accountant makes sense. Should have been set to 0 and prompted rather than going to 4, however, so that was definitely a bug.