Hero Farmer!, for farming valuables on the battlefield


MrEdge73's Hero Farmer
Hippy Version: 20090714HCCS
Frat Version: 20090914FCCS
Created by Justin Edge (mredge73)

This CCS is designed to get you all of the Hero Items while adventuring in the Battlefield!

Question: How does it work?
It adventures normally until you reach image 24, this is where your first hero can show up.
It will CLEESH a set number of turns (default 20) before giving up and adventuring normally.
It should never CLEESH any hero listed.
It will do that for every image that a hero is expected to appear on besides image 26 and 28
On Image 30 and/or 31 it will now look for all of your heros that you did not kill yet for a set number of turns (default 50)

Question: How does it know if I killed a hero yet?
It checks your inventory and equipment for the dropped item, so if you are hunting heros DO NOT have the item you are looking for in inventory
The closet is fine.

Question: What if I don't want to hunt a certain hero?
You can edit out the hero you do not want to hunt for in the hero list below

Question: What is its success rate?
Varies by what you put in the CLEESH max turn variables. The battlefield is still not fully spaded for hero drops so I am unsure of its sucess rate.
I can assure you that I have had a 100% success rate on all heros killing Frat Boys but not killing Hippys...yet.

Theory Source: http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Talk:The_Battlefield

This is what your CCS should look like when when using Hero Farmer! with FTF and SS:
Zarqon's FirstTingsFirst.ash and SmartStasis.ash are strong suggestions but not necessary for the Hero Farmer!
[ default ]
consult FirstThingsFirst.ash

[ gremlin ]
consult SmartStasis.ash

[ Battlefield (Frat Uniform) ]
consult MrEdge73's CCS-- FarmingHippyHeros.ash
consult FirstThingsFirst.ash

[ Battlefield (Hippy Uniform) ]
consult MrEdge73's CCS-- FarmingFratHeros.ash
consult FirstThingsFirst.ash
Frat version 20090914
added Next-generation Frat Boy

Frat version 20090710
Changed IsHero Function to include all heros
set default search to only Monty Basingstoke-Pratt, IV

Hippy version 20090714
added Slow Talkin' Elliot

Hippy version 20090710
Changed IsHero Function to include all heros
removed Neil and Zim from default hero search


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Fixed 2 issues when you disable a Hero Search.
Will now get hero items from all heroes if you encounter them whether you are farming for them or not, before it would only get the items from heroes on the farm list.

Changed Default Search to only Natty Blue Ascot on Frat Side.
Changed Default Search to only Carnivore Button and Orange Peel Hat on Hippy Side.
It works great on 3 multi, but on my main the image seems to stay @0, no increment.

Mafia does recognize the new Image though when I relay-browse to the island.

If you need more info, I'll gladly provide.

Thanks for the script!
Well, it does not really check the image...it can't because the script only activates when in combat and cannot leave combat to check the image. What it does is check mafia's properties where mafia keeps track of how may hippies/frat boys are killed and it determines what image you are on by the death count. This looks like a mafia problem not a script problem, or you were fighting a bunch of hippies/frats without running mafia.

Take a look at your mafia settings->name_prefs.txt
Look for:

These two properties are used internally by mafia, if they are not incrementing correctly you may have to issue a bug report. They should equal to how many you have defeated.

Forgot the basic TroubleShooting 101.

Make sure you have the right script running.

Keep on the good work MrEdge!
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I have a genuine 'bug' now.

When reaching img 30 or 31 the script started to look for 'none' and CLESHing everything for the allocated 50.

I caught it in time, but others might not.

Taught you;d like to know.
I encountered this at one time and I thought that I fixed it.
Are you using the latest versions?
Did you modify the script in any way?

This will happen if it is modified incorrectly, if you modify it you have to comment out (or in) both the hero id and hero drop:

monster [int] hippyhero;
//hippyhero[21]=$monster[Slow Talkin' Elliot];
//hippyhero[25]=$monster[Zim Merman];
hippyhero[27]=$monster[C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. Operative];
hippyhero[29]=$monster[Glass of Orange Juice];

boolean [int] hippydead;
//hippydead[21]=haveItem($item[Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags]);
//hippydead[24]=haveItem($item[longhaired hippy wig]);
//hippydead[25]=haveItem($item[Zim Merman's guitar]);
hippydead[27]=haveItem($item[C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button]);
hippydead[29]=haveItem($item[orange peel hat]);
monster [int] hippyhero;
//hippyhero[21]=$monster[Slow Talkin' Elliot];
//hippyhero[25]=$monster[Zim Merman];
hippyhero[27]=$monster[C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. Operative];
//hippyhero[29]=$monster[Glass of Orange Juice];

boolean [int] hippydead;
//hippydead[21]=haveItem($item[Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags]);
//hippydead[24]=haveItem($item[longhaired hippy wig]);
//hippydead[25]=haveItem($item[Zim Merman's guitar]);
hippydead[27]=haveItem($item[C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button]);
hippydead[29]=haveItem($item[orange peel hat]);
That would be the exact reason for your trouble, I should have included that little tidbit of info somewhere in the beginning of this thread.

For future reference, if modifying the script both parts need to be commented in (or out).

I am glad someone is using this script!
I just took a look at these. I see that you have 5 Hippy Heroes and 4 Frat Heroes.
In particular, you are missing the Next-Generation Frat Boy.
I assume he shows up on image #21.
Updated script to add the next-generation frat boy although he will not be farmed by default. But, he will be defeated if he is landed on while farming, this is new. Data collected assumes that he will show up no earlier than image #22.
Thanks for finding that oversight!