Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

Banana Lord

Yep, I'll definitely add that when I get a chance (hopefully things will start happening again in the next few weeks). Because it shares a counter with the spooky putty sheet there's no extra logic to include so it won't take long to do at all.


Active member
Just remember that they don't share the data location, so you can have both stored as different monsters simultaneously. :)


Active member
Interesting, but only matters if for some reason you need to keep two different ones. It just means that you need to make sure that you validate that you read the right preference to see if it's already being used by something else before you start up. Maybe one is used and the other is available, maybe neither is. If both are available, it's probably best practice to prefer one. Which? Meh, whatever. :)

Banana Lord

As you say, only important if you need to keep two different copies. The only time that'll be an issue is if someone happens to be bountyhunting with copying (putty/box) and is using olfaction with copying to improve their farming. So yeah, not too complicated, just interesting.

What I have found tricky is FaxBot support for a number of reasons. Is there a way to tell what monster a photocopy is of? (Ugh, horrible sentence, but you get the gist).


Active member
Check on TheSea... I check to make sure your fax is a Neptune Flytrap. I can't remember which of the 3 scripts that had fixing that came from, but TheSea faxing is a blend of all of them. :)


There are roughly half a zillion preferences that aren't on the wiki. Use the prefref alias! It is your only friend aside from myself.

prefref photo was how I found it.

Banana Lord

Am I supposed to have that alias set already? I grabbed it from another thread (alias prefref => ashq record r{string d ; }; r[string,string]m; file_to_map("defaults.txt",m); foreach t,p,d in m if(to_lower_case(p).contains_text(to_lower_case($string[%%]))) print(p+" ("+t+", now '"+get_property(p)+"', default "+d.d+")")). I also just bookmarked the relevant sourceforge page.

Does typing prefref friend cause mafia to make a sound like chirping crickets for anyone else? Just me then? :-/


Yes, you were supposed to have that alias set already. It is so generally helpful that anyone who is not a scripting newbie is expected to have fallen in love with it and asked it to marry them, but gotten their heart broken when it told you that it was still seeing other people. Many people. Slut.

PS. You're the only one who hears the crickets.


Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for a nice script, and at the same time come with a request for it. I wondered if you'd be willing to add an option to skip consumption, or perhaps set limits to what drunkenness/fullness/spleen you can consume to? The reason I'm asking is that I like to consume a drunki-bear after my night-cap, but using Harvest that is not an option, since it wants to fill all organs. I suppose I could try to modify it a bit myself, but I wanted to bring it up here first, to hear what your thoughts on introducing the option(s) are.


Active member
Actually, what he wants is more like what Banana Lord posted above as an alternative consumption script. Basically, run EatDrink set to not eat, but to drink and spleen. Use all adventures. Run EatDrink set to not eat, but to overdrink. Cast milk. Eat Drunki-Bear. Possibly repeat until no more bears fit. Run EatDrink to finish filling up remaining space. Log out and wait for rollover.


Can I do that? When I try running harvest without filling my stomach, or with an empty consume-script, it aborts with a message that the consumption script failed to fill my organs... Couldn't find any obvious settings to make it ignore my stomach :p Or was what you wrote just a clarification on what I wanted? :)

Guess I can check tomorrow, when I haven't already filled my organs... ^.^


Active member
Try something similar to the 370 post. Not sure, haven't tried it, but... if it has problems, since BL posted it, he's probably willing to make it work. ;)


Actually, after having a closer look at what happens, I don't think that will be of much help unless I change these lines in Harvest.ash (line 1041-1042 in my version):
        if(my_fullness() < fullness_limit()-cookie_room || my_inebriety() < inebriety_limit() || my_spleen_use() < spleen_limit())
            failure(CONSUME_SCRIPT +" failed to fill your organs completely");

Which of course is fairly trivial, I just wanted to ask if BL thought adding an option that skips (parts) of consumption would be a worthwhile idea...

Banana Lord

Sorry guys, consider this my "out of office" notification. I'm technically on holiday for the next week, but in reality I'll be busier than ever. Should have a little time to sort a few things out in the next day or two though, so expect a post later this week coming week.


New member
Invaild option type specified for setting 'har_gen_ccs':

Hi Banana Lord. I just installed the latest version of your script, and when I run the relay script I get this error:

Invaild option type specified for setting 'har_gen_ccs':

Any ideas? Thanks.