Bug - Fixed Getting error while farming The eXtreme Slope

Hey, gang. I have been randomly getting this error while farming for the Jar. It runs fine for several turns (usually 100-150) then it throws this.:

Unexpected error, debug log printed.
You must complete a trapper task first.
That area is not available.

The Trapper quest is long done, and I have been doing this for months. It has onyl happened recently. Here is what is in the latest debug log:

Timestamp: Mon Feb 03 20:00:59 EST 2014

Unexpected error, debug log printed.
class java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLAdventure.validate(KoLAdventure.java:939)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLAdventure.run(KoLAdventure.java:1025)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.RequestThread.postRequest(RequestThread.java:280)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.RequestThread.postRequest(RequestThread.java:254)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.executeAdventureOnce(KoLmafia.java:1337)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.executeRequestOnce(KoLmafia.java:1357)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.executeRequest(KoLmafia.java:1219)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.makeRequest(KoLmafia.java:1082)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.panel.AdventureSelectPanel$ExecuteRunnable.run(AdventureSelectPanel.java:455)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.RequestThread$ThreadWrappedRunnable.run(RequestThread.java:400)
That seems to be caused by the check for that area being open not having a responseText. I don't know how that would happen, maybe from network issues leading to not getting a response?

I'm also surprised mafia has that check, leading to a server hit every time you automate somewhere on the peak. That should probably be replaced with checking the quest status.
Would also be good to post the full debug log with which version of mafia you're running. Just to make sure that it's something that hasn't already been dealt with. :)
Not supposed to post it on the official KoL GD forums. Supposed to post it here. :)

From inside the debug log:
Please note: do not post this log in the KoLmafia thread of KoL's
Gameplay-Discussion forum.
If you would like the KoLmafia dev team
to look at it, please write a bug report at kolmafia.us. Include
specific information about what you were doing when you made this
and include this log as an attachment.

Anyways, that shows that you were on the nearly latest (r13647) version of mafia with the most recent Java 7 (51).
You have no much effort went into wording that in a way which was non-ambiguous and would help people to do the correct thing. It's currently on the third draft after the last two failed. Clearly it isn't perfect, but jeeeeeeez, how the heck can we get people to understand?
As a side note, isn't that excessive for farming for the Jar? My understanding is that those Hot Dog non-combats either have the item option the first time you come across them, or they won't have it that day.
Unless they changed it I have found items in the middle of farming. This has happened for both the Jar and the Engorged Sausages item. I had found on for the clan, and one for my main, so this multi is getting one for themselves.

As for the details of the instructions, I think maybe state to not post it unless asked to. That might make it 'easier'.
Why is that easier? It's certainly harder for ME when somebody says "I got a debug log" (which is, by itself, a useless comment, since we need to actually look at the debug log in order to figure it out) and I have to ask for it and wait for it to be posted before I can start to think about the issue.

The message specifically tells you to post it in the bug report thread that you write on this forum. I.e., it is already "asking" for it.

In any case, you did post the stack trace, which is all I'd expect to take out of your debug log, anyway, so - having not looked at the log, admittedly - you probably didn't need to post it.

I'm still shaking my head at the idea that a message which specifically instructs you to post the log with the bug report got construed as instructions to NOT post the log with your bug report.
Unless they changed it I have found items in the middle of farming. This has happened for both the Jar and the Engorged Sausages item. I had found on for the clan, and one for my main, so this multi is getting one for themselves.

"In the middle of farming" is too vague. It could potentially take you 50 turns to get the right noncombat to even check for the item.

I'm still shaking my head at the idea that a message which specifically instructs you to post the log with the bug report got construed as instructions to NOT post the log with your bug report.
It makes sense if we assume people only read the first line. We can't really put all of the important information into one short line though.
I'm also surprised mafia has that check, leading to a server hit every time you automate somewhere on the peak. That should probably be replaced with checking the quest status.
Agreed. That would fix this, without having to figure out why it happens to the OP and to nobody else, seemingly. This seems to be the only place in validate() which uses ZONE_UNLOCK to visit a location without having checked the quest log first.
I should warn you that I am only here for my looks and not my brains. ;) I reread the instructions and was still not 100% sure of it. As you said, it is a WIP. As for 'middle of farming', I use non-combat modifiers to get the most non-combats I can. I can fairly safely say that I have received the items in question later in the daily run. I could be wrong. I am also the one whose character (this one) cannot use breakfast to look for the Game Grid Token. I am wondering if I should just delete this Mafia account and start from scratch. Is that something to consider? What would be the best way to do that?
You have no much effort went into wording that in a way which was non-ambiguous and would help people to do the correct thing. It's currently on the third draft after the last two failed. Clearly it isn't perfect, but jeeeeeeez, how the heck can we get people to understand?

Honestly, tell them where to post it first. You tell them not to post it first and THAT is the part that seems to be sticky. As an old instructor of mine once told me, "If you show someone the wrong way to do something, that's what they'll remember!"