Bug - Fixed gCLI scrollback not emptied unless CLS or CLEAR is called


Active member
I've started noticing in the latest versions of the .jar that the gCLI never seems to clear out. It remembers everything I've done in this session since I last cleared the screan. This is leading to slight memory problems and resulting slowdowns in performance.

Today for example I've played 132 turns so far with scripts that are somewhat verbose in ther output and I can still see the login-text at the top of the CLI if I scroll up to the top.

It feels to me like it could be a potential side effect of the "being able to read while things go on further down the page" update.
That's most likely the case. I put in some code to check to see if at least one pane is non-sticky, and to not truncate anymore if that were true since that would disorient you while you were reading scrollback.

While that's theoretically correct behavior, it seems there are conditions where a pane can be considered non-sticky indefinitely (like, you close the window), making it so that none of the other panes properly reset. Since that might not be the only case, rather than leave this alone completely, 10856 restores the old behavior of truncating even while you were reading scrollback.