Fractal's Shield Generate-O-Matic Scriptamajig


New member
Another entry for slyz's contest. I've never really had to even look at ASH before, so this was a bit tough, but still fairly fun. This is mostly tested - I say mostly because I've currently run out of multis to test this on.

Well, I'm about to fall asleep at my keyboard, but I'm posting this here in case anyone has any comments or criticisms they wouldn't mind lobbing my way. I am fairly new to this so some of the code is ugly. The main loop is mostly a placeholder until I figure out something a bit nicer and less of an eyesore. There's also no optimization for the Porko game at the end, although the 3 characters I've run this on only took 2-3 turns each at the game. It currently starts at the center, then moves outwards in an alternating pattern (ie: 5, 4, 6, 3, 7, 2, 8, 1, 9)

This is version 0.4 of my script, in which I've removed the usage of a mood to keep Transpondent active. This was messing with my regular moods, and though it may not affect others, it was irritating to me.

Edit: Okay, I attached the right file this time, dunno what happened with it last night.


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...I have no clue what happened there. I think I might have mixed up my keyboard shorcuts and saved the wrong file by accident. Anyway, the right script is up now.