

This is a script I wrote rather quickly for a clannie.

svn checkout

Once ran, it equips the highest meat drops equipment it can find for you, your highest current weight meat drops familiar, or a hobo monkey if you have one, along with the meat from tourists accessory and the meat from tourists buff, some +familiar weight buffs, the +meat drops buff, keeps Merry Smithsness active if you have Half a Purse equipped.
Then it burns turns at barf mountain using BarfMountain.ccs for combat, currently set to just "attack with weapon".
Would be glad to improve the script to make your farming life easier.

Currently working on adding --food and booze consumption--, using your copies on your painted monster, if set to Knob Goblin Embezzler, --swapping out snow suit when it's low--, sticker support, auto-calculating logic for your average meat per adventure for what's worth buying for your budget, also using up your once per day buffs such as the summoning chamber, mad hatter, rock band buff, and using your PYEC, if you have one, at the right moment to get more turns worth of effects out of it.

Lots of room for improvement. Bugs, comments, suggestions? Post them here, and I'll try to add support for them as the script matures.

If you're updating from a previous version, please delete your current version first by running:
svn delete Ultimater-farm-barf-mountain-branches-master-farm_barf_mountain

Change Log:
Aug 2nd 2015 - Initial Release
Aug 13th 2015 - Version 1.1 changes: fixed some inconsistencies, added more friendly information text as the script runs, added Snow Suit swapping support when it gets low to use better familiar weight boosters such as astral pet sweater, or sugar shield which the script should work well with since it checks for having an empty familiar equipment slot between each turn, if detected, it readjusts your outfit.
Aug 26th 2015 - Version 1.2 changes: Added a version checker and script updater. Added EatDrink.ash support. Added some MP burning tasks to save you from messing with Daily Deeds
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Forgive me if I'm being thick, but what does this script provide right now that a basic mood can't?
Making life easier. If you're suggesting there's no reason for a script in the first place, and just use "moods" in combination with the "adventure" tab to dump turns, the reason for the script in the first place is to make life easier in terms of managing everything. For example picking the right meat drops gear for disneylandfill for your level. The maximizing logic I wrote is very nice. Disabling problematic settings such as a pre/post adventure script which another script might have set and you forgot to disable. Allowing the script to burn through the choice adventure. Using buffy for buffs. There's definitely advantages to having a dedicated script for the zone. The idea being, if you just freed the king, you can run the script, without having to worry about anything, go to the bathroom, get a coffee, come back, and you're ready to ascend. Or at least the script will be that advanced in the future to handle consumption. So the script will be the whole package for your disneylandfill farming needs. I can see a reason for the script as things become more complicated. If your question is regarding the way the script was written, why not use moods from within the script? I see nothing wrong with my approach if I'm gonna write a script for it anyways. As far as why write such a script, nu, a clannie requested it, so why not? I'm sure some will find it useful.
Version 1.1 is here.

To update to the latest version from a previous version, first delete by running:
svn delete Ultimater-farm-barf-mountain-branches-master-farm_barf_mountain
then re-install by running:
svn checkout

Fixed some inconsistencies. Added Snow Suit swapping out support when it gets low to put on other familiar equipment such as astral pet sweater when the Snow Suit is less than +10 weight. Each time it loses 1 weight after that, your equipment is readjusted. Between each adventure, the script checks if your familiar equipment is empty, if so, it recalculates your meat farming gear, thus the script should play friendly with sugar shield.
Version 1.2 is here.
Added a version checker which reads the version.txt file in the repo each time you run the script to make sure you have the latest version.
If a newer version is detected, the script will offer to auto-update itself, saving you from having to do so, or you can choose to continue running your old version.
Added EatDrink.ash support to the script, when you run farm-barf-mountain.ash, you'll be asked if you want the script to utilize EatDrink.ash for you.
Also added some MP burning tasks to the script to save you from messing with your Daily Deeds. I have yet to add Libram support for burning even more MP, which I'll add in a future version. I did some work to eventually add embezzler killing support and copy usages, but haven't implemented it yet. More to come...
Again, to update the script run:
svn delete Ultimater-farm-barf-mountain-branches-master-farm_barf_mountain
svn checkout
If that fails, you may need to delete svn/Ultimater-farm-barf-mountain-branches-master-farm_barf_mountain manually.
Version 1.3 is here.

Added Deck of Every Card usage, "knife", "Ancestral Recall", and "island", in that order.
Also added a check for "QWOPped up" due to how EatDrink.ash is written and can gain you such a negative effect, and shrugs it if detected since it can be lethal to the script, getting you beaten up, due to my combat logic of attacking with your weapon.

See the code changes here:

If you're using the latest build, the version checker should notify you of the new version and offer to update the script for you.
Getting back into scripting and planning on working on a new release within the next week or two. If you use this script, let me know if you have any change requests for it and I can probably code it in along the way.
Why do we need this we have veracity's script and Garbo which are great meatfarming scripts
This script pre-dates the others you mentioned. My experience with other such scripts at the time would be they wouldn't do what you expect them to do if assumptions weren't met. There were too many times a script would run rogue on me and over-drink with 300 adventures left, an infinite loop, or some other stability shenanigans. Rather than earning an extra 100 meat a turn or so at the expense of running heavier business logic, this script favors simplicity, light-weight business logic, few dependencies, and stability. My last release was 7 years ago. I got a bunch of room for improvements. We'll see where it goes with my next release.
I encourage you to develop your script.

As the author of one of the “recommended” scripts, I suggest you take a look at the extensive comments at the top of my script about configuration. It requires a couple of outfits and configured Hp/Mp restore and a default mood and CCS.

Other than that, you can opt in to optional things, but otherwise, it should do well for you.

Garbo? The only thing I know is “this is the only script which can do [something I have never heard of and don’t care about]”. I assume it is good. I have no interest in looking at it.

The thing is, no modern script is going to overdrink, or whatever you mention as flaws.

If your script is a “no configuration necessary - fire me up and let me go!” then you are in a different use case, and I wish you success.

I still recommend you look at competitors and see what they support.

Welcome back. I wish you nothing but success.
I'm not interested in the script, but I decided to look at its code. One thing you'd definitely want to change (or remove) is the handling of Knob Goblin pet-buffing spray and Knob Goblin nasal spray, since they're now spleen items instead of normal potions.