Bug Familiar Frame does not reliably work as a tab


Active member
At least from my checking of the log, it looks like it was still processing the login at the time it was cut off... maybe try leaving it a bit longer next time? It looked almost done, since JUST before the end was your character info for the session log, but it was still checking what was available in the arena, etc...


Staff member
What are your startup tabs and windows? It successfully logged you in and was then in the process of initializing the various frames.

Loading window: AdventureFrame
Loading window: CommandDisplayFrame
Loading window: ItemManageFrame
Loading window: FamiliarTrainingFrame

That is to say, the main GUI, the gCLI, the Item Manager, and the Familiar Trainer.

And that was the end of the log.

- Did you have other Frames you expected to appear?
- Did you have the Familiar Trainer set to come up as a window or as a tab?
- Suggestion: remove the Familiar Trainer from your startup items. Perhaps it doesn't work as a tab - which would be a bug - but you should be able to start up without it and just open when you need it.


Staff member
I just started with the Familiar Trainer as a tab. It worked.

Go to Preferences.
Look & Feel/Main Interfaces

What do you have set to start as a window?
What do you have set to start as a tab?



New member
Removing the Familiar Trainer as a tab seems to have done the trick. The Main Interface opened with no problems at all several times in a row. Thinking back, I added Familiar Trainer was around the same time that I starting having problems, but since it was intermittent, I never made the connection. Thank you so much--I can't tell you how happy I am to have Mafia working again! Thanks for the tip about starting the debug log, too. I hope I don't have to use it again, but it's very handy! Thanks again!


Staff member
OK. So, the issue is that the FamiliarFrame does not reliably work as a tab. When I first tried it, I got the same result you described: KoLmafia logged me in, the LoginFrame disappeared, and the main frame with tabs never appeared. Subsequent tests all worked.

I'm going to change the title of this note to reflect that and leave this open.