Error in create()?


Active member
I have a logout script that goes through the SHC drinks and makes as many as it can from the stills avilable. It worked just fine the other day (on 8572) but seems to fail today (on 8578). The following happens:

> inv tang

tangarita (3)

> ash stills_available()

Returned: 6

> call logout.ash

Closeted 0 meat.
The most expensive drink is tangarita with a value of 6400
Creating 1 tangarita
Verifying ingredients for tangarita (1)...
Verifying ingredients for tequila sunset (1)...
Searching for "bottle of jorge sinsonte"...
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
Verifying ingredients for bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)...
Searching for "bottle of tequila"...
Purchasing bottle of tequila (1 @ 265)...
You acquire an item: bottle of tequila
Purchases complete.
Creating bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)...
You acquire an item: bottle of Jorge Sinsonte
Successfully created bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)
Verifying ingredients for tangerine (1)...
Creating tangerine (1)...
You acquire an item: tangerine
Successfully created tangerine (1)
Creating tequila sunset (1)...
You acquire an item: tequila sunset
Successfully created tequila sunset (1)
Creating tangarita (1)...
You acquire an item: tangarita
Successfully created tangarita (1)

> get_meat 1000

Removing meat from closet...
Returned: true

> ash create(1,$item[tangarita])

Verifying ingredients for tangarita (1)...
Verifying ingredients for tequila sunset (1)...
Searching for "bottle of jorge sinsonte"...
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
Verifying ingredients for bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)...
Searching for "bottle of tequila"...
Purchasing bottle of tequila (1 @ 265)...
You acquire an item: bottle of tequila
Purchases complete.
Creating bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)...
You acquire an item: bottle of Jorge Sinsonte
Successfully created bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)
Verifying ingredients for tangerine (1)...
Creating tangerine (1)...
You acquire an item: tangerine
Successfully created tangerine (1)
Creating tequila sunset (1)...
You acquire an item: tequila sunset
Successfully created tequila sunset (1)
Creating tangarita (1)...
You acquire an item: tangarita
Successfully created tangarita (1)
Returned: false

> inv tanga

tangarita (5)

> ash stills_available()

Returned: 2

So it's obviously crafting the drinks, but even though it says "Successfully created tangarita (1)" it returns "false". Any ideas on why?


Active member
Possibly because of the failed purchase of jorge sinsonte? Tried seeing if it's still a fail if you manually purchase a bottle first?

Also, if you get bored, you could try using debugcreate with each stage of the creation...


Active member
Possibly, but it has been working before without problems. And the entire point is to force Mafia to use the still by closeting most of the meat before so that it is forced to work with basic ingredients (otherwise it runs amok and creates several 100s of the darn drink, been there done that...).


Active member
Also, if you get bored, you could try using debugcreate with each stage of the creation...

Tangential, but I've never heard of debugcreate before. Is this an undocumented CLI command/ASH function, or are you suggesting that he turns debug logging on?


Active member
Undocumented CLI, I believe... I noticed it when poking through the code. Tells you whether or not a given request is creatable.


Jason added debugcreate last year to help him while he was troubleshooting the mafia's item creation routines. There was a bit of discussion about it on our previous bugtracker. (Bugtracker RIP!)