Bug - Fixed E.M.U. Unit not recoginized as removed from inventory


New member
Using r9522:

Found this while writing a script for Slyz's contest. When you lose the porko game at the Big-Time Generator, you lose the E.M.U. Unit and get two pieces back. Mafia sees the new pieces but doesn't know the E.M.U. Unit is gone.
Aha! So that was what happened. Confused the heck out of me that one.

Also: I really think that if you do your quest log should get reset back to where it was before you got the unit (but that is a KoL-related bug and not a mafia related one, at all).
This is the first I ever heard of this. Of course, I have never lost the Big Time Generator game; there is always a path you are guaranteed to win, and KoLmafia tells you exactly where it is, so ...
Correct me if I'm wrong (which i may be) but if I turn off spoilers would it still show me the best option? If not then it should probably recognise the removal of the unit if you click the wrong one.
It will not SHOW you, but it still calculates it and stores the calculations in the property.

I'm not disagreeing that we should recognize when it happens, but there is no excuse for a correctly written script, say, to be troubled by this.
I had to play it in the relay browser to get the correct url for the script to post. I then lost intentionally so I could go back and verify the script would actually work.
Mafia looks for this in the result page: "WHOOMP"
According to the KoLWiki Big-Time Generator, that string appears upon success, when the EMU Unit is lost. However, it does not appear after 3 failed attempts (when you also loose the EMU Unit apparently).

I just need to have the text you get when you loose to cover all the cases.
You get three tries? And if you lose all three, you lose the EMU unit and get EMU parts?

I suppose you could look for "You acquire", although looking for the message that your EMU unit broke into pieces would be nicer.

Edit: the Wiki page you cited says:

Your E.M.U.'s getting pretty beaten up from all the pinballing between obstacles, and you don't like your chances of getting back to the surface if you try again. You manage to blast out of the generator well and land safely on the surface. After that, though, the E.M.U. gives an all-over shudder, a sad little servo whine, and falls apart.

That should be good enough, but, yeah - what does it say when you lose and still have an intact-enough EMU unit to try again? I'll try losing twice, next time I get there, but, chances are, somebody will beat me to it.
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Revision 9523 detects the failure message and discards the E.M.U. Unit.

I'm still going to intentionally lose a couple of times next time I go there, just to see what it says.
I had to create a multi. This is what I got:
Your E.M.U.'s getting pretty beaten up from all the pinballing between obstacles, and you don't like your chances of getting back to the surface if you try again. You manage to blast out of the generator well and land safely on the surface. After that, though, the E.M.U. gives an all-over shudder, a sad little servo whine, and falls apart.
You acquire an item: E.M.U. harness
You acquire an item: E.M.U. helmet
Thanks. Actually, I knew that message and used it in 9523. What I didn't know is what it said when you lost the first two times. It just so happens I recorded that myself last time I did the Big Generator:

You missed the target. You fire up the E.M.U. and blast back to the top to try again.