Feature - Implemented Do not venture unprepared into the sewer tunnels!


Staff member
So I started a Hobopolis run, thought I had everything and got the above message when I tried to adventure. After some frustrating guesses and wiki lookups (since I don't have the required items memorized) I finally figured out that my hobo code binder was missing. Totally operator error but if the message had told me what was missing it would have saved me some time and frustration.

The relavent code is in KoLAdventure. validate just has a compound conditional with all of the items and run just chooses what to print out. I can see three options to make this operator error a little easier to deal with and there are probably more. The first is to have the test in validate emit a message if validation fails due to a lack of item. The second is to replicate the validate test in run and emit a message. The third would be to make an ASH function (which could be scripted, too) and push everything on the operator who made the error.

My inclination is to make validate verbose under the appropriate conditions but I can understand not doing anything as anti-feature creep and there may be a better place to do things.

Comments? I can implement this but figured I'd see if there were other opinions. Thanks.


I don't think it would be bad to make the error message more informative.

However, I long since turned off that feature in preferences since it interferes in many ways with my two prefered methods of being in the sewers. The number of times I ever want to be fully prepared is negligible. I think it only applies to people without many hobo glyphs who are aren't just using it to level or people who are getting a hamster.

I think I'm not the only person who turns the feature off which is why this has never been complained about until now. Worthwhile to make it informative though, for the sake of those who want to be fully prepared.


Staff member
I am bumping this because I just did a first ever Hobopolis run with a character and completely forgot that the binder assisted in the sewers. I'll try and look at this later today, in fact.