Digging in Bigg's Dig


Active member
Hi. This script scans Bigg's Dig for untouched squares and attempts to dig the given amount of squares.

How to use:

biggdig.ash <adventures>

Where <adventures> is the amount of adventures you want to use there.

Happy digging!

P.S. I'm shocked at how fast they are being dug out.


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This script will be obsolete tomorrow, but it's pretty nice work. Shame I used up my turns before you posted it, but I was fortunate that when I was doing my digging there were still subsections at 0% so I could make do with this extremely simple script...

int sec = 96;
int sub = 71;
for spot from 1 to 100 {
	if(my_adventures() < 1) {
		print("No time to dig.");
	print("Excavating section "+sec+", subsection "+sub+", location "+spot+".");

My script was so primitive compared to yours that it should have been buried with the fossils.
Didn't take more than 2 hours after its release to be obsoleted :). Ah well, I guess Jick could reset/expand the sandbox, and perhaps make it more difficult to script than it was.

Humorously(?) enough, I encountered the "Ran out of digging sites" message myself during my 80th digging attempt. To think that a mafia script may have dug the 1,000,000th square...
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The venom on the main forums is impressive - impressively pathetic.

If I were Jick, I'd just say "spend time and creative energy coding special events? Never again!"
It's not surprising that people are annoyed that they missed out on a limited event, but in all honesty it says something about the dev team not seeing something like this happening. Even if each player had spent 200 turns there were only enough tiles to dig out for 5000 players. What's the worth of having new content if only a small number of players can access it in the middle of the night?

I'm more concerned with the rumors that some clans like NO and strangers were aware of the event before it dropped, and may have been aware of the first come first serve nature so there were a lot of people banking turns and logging on right after rollover.
Fortunately I managed to get a few in on a multi, which logged on 5-10 minutes before it finished. I suspect many were using this script, as all the dig was being dug from the top, so I worked from the bottom !
I logged in at rollover with my main and ran my turns by hand in Bigg's Dig in the Relay Browser. After getting beaten up by a baboon, I decided to just stockpile fossilized parts until I learned how to baet the beasts. I made the outfit, both weapons, and the familiar and quit when I'd used all my turns, farming stuff. I then went to bed, seeing no reason to fire up my test multis for this. In retrospect, I should have had one of them farm up the familiar and get the arena parameters; it currently costs about 150K to make the familiar, using the mall.

I found an unearthed volcanic meteoroid. :D
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Does this script allow you to focus on mounds or non-mounds? My understanding is that you get the stuff to make the equipment and familiar from non-mounds only, and if you want the necklace you instead want to focus on mounds. I tried looking at it to figure it out, but I'm not so great with...anything to do with coding. =(
Mounds could be detected with regular expressions because they use a different set of images. Though I doubt Jick would ever release another digging grounds...
Looks like it is re-opened.
Your script will need an update though.
It will now limit your turns spent per day by requiring a breakable shovel to be equipped.
Have to visit Biggs and get a new shovel, equip it, then dig for 30 turns.
If you find a waterlogged crate, you can also turn that in to Biggs to get another shovel.