Bug - Not A Bug Deep Sea: Mafia changes my weapon, then warns me I'm not fighting w/ the right weapon

I'm getting ready for Round 14 in the coliseum. Even though I equip the switchblade, mafia puts on the dodgeball, then throws up the "are you sure you want to fight with the dodgeball, why not change to the switchblade" page. i click on switch. equips the switchblade. then click on the coliseum, mafia equips the dogdeball, warns me about it.


Staff member
Mafia has no code to automatically equip a particular weapon before going in to the colosseum.
When you click on the icon to equip the right weapon, it submits a request to inv_equip.php to put it on.
When you click on the icon to enter the colosseum, it submits a request to adventure.php.

What is your betweenBattleScript?
oh! I'm using BestBetweenBattle. I'll look in there and see if I can see what's doing it. I got around the whole issue by eventually closeting the offending equipment then telling mafia to not use my closet. One down, 12 to go. :)

Thanks Veracity for pointing me in the right direction.


Staff member
As I said, KoLmafia does not choose to "put on the dodgeball" by itself; this is a script issue. I'm marking this Not a Bug